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I just got out of a meeting, I've been all morning. I stopped by Nicole's office and she smiled at me. I went over and sat at her desk.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

"Meeting." I said and sighed.

"I told Tatiana the truth." She said.

I looked at her crazy and leaned up. "Why would you do- You did it, so she'll leave me and we'll be together." I said and smiled.

She shook her head and looked at me. "She's not leaving you, but I have my best friend back."

"She's not?"

"I'm not Michael, but I think we should have a little talk after work." Tatiana said and walked out.

I got up and followed her.

She walked into the elevator and I got in and closed the doors.

"What?" Tatiana asked me.

I kissed her and back her into the wall.

She cupped my face and jumped in my arms. I smiled and continued to kiss her.

"Ahh, Tatiana." I moaned as she kissed my neck.

I squeezed her butt and she moaned.

The doors opened and Krista and Nick was glaring at us.

Three month anniversary of this book. 4.92k reads and 621 votes. Thank you so much. When I saw that I decided writing again and taking time out my schedule to write. Love you all and thank you again.

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