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Michael has been upset at something since him and his mother talked. Mrs. Jackson has kept to herself as well.

"It's time for cake!" My mom yelled.

We walked over and Junior ran into my arms. I held him, while Michael held Shay.

We started singing 'Happy Birthday' and they were antsy to get cake. As soon as we were finished, they started asking for cake.

"No, you eat first, then you can have cake." Michael said.

"Michael, it's their birthday. They can have cake." I said and the twins liked my idea better.

Michael shook his head and gave me a stern look.

I cut them both a small slice and gave it to them.

Michael walked off because he knew better than to argue with me in front of company and while I'm pregnant. Plus, I don't understand why they can't have it. It's their birthday and their day. I think he's just trying to impress his mommy, but I could care less.

"Always stressing him." Mrs. Jackson mumbled and I looked at her.

My mother caught it and glared at her.

"What was that, bitch?" My mom questioned.

"Kids in the house. Go, go." I said.

They got their things and went. Michael walked over to his mother and my mom frowned.

"Mother and mom, we're not going to do this. Especially, on your grandchildren's birthday." Michael growled. "Please, sit down and act like adults."

They gave each other another glare and it was quiet, until Vicky started crying.

Michael picked her up and rocked her a bit. "Shh, daddy's here."

Mrs. Jackson smiled at that sight and it broke my heart. I can never compare to Tatiana in her eyes.

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