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"So, you and Mama Katie set your differences aside?" I asked Nicole.

She nodded and looked over at Michael.

"He gave her an ultimatum." She said and I gasped.

Michael gave her one? I never would've thought that at all.

"Damn." I said.

"Vicky, come here. Come to daddy." Michael cooed to her.

She walked to him and giggled as he tickled her.

Michael looked over at us and smiled.

"He really loves her." Nicole said.

"He does. Thank you for not keeping him away." I said quietly.

She frowned and looked my way. "I would never keep him away from his children. You two made her together and it's only fair, if you raise her together."

We hugged each other and I smiled at her.

She gave me a suspicious look.

"Are you and Michael going to try for a little girl?" I asked and she groaned.

My question caught her husband's attention and he came over.

"Did my sister make you asked that?" Michael asked me.

I shook my head. "I just thought you wanted another baby, preferably a little girl."

"Or everyone just wants a niece to spoil, since I kept Shay away from everyone." Nicole gritted and crossed her arms.

Crybaby ass.

"That's your fault." I said and shrugged.

She scoffed. "My fault, Tat? You two were still married and if I came back you were going to rip my head off."

Michael and I both laughed and she flipped us the bird.

"I have to go the bathroom." She said and excused herself.

As soon as she was gone out of earshot, I turned to Michael.

"Get her pregnant again." I told him.

"She's not going to let me. Plus, you know it's rare." He said and looked down.

I shook my head and hugged him. "You already got her pregnant twice. Mike, third is always the charm. I know you have baby fever for a little girl."

"And you gave me Victoria." I groaned and he smiled. "Okay, okay."

He said and Nicole came back.

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