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I rushed home and hurried and got ready around 5 o'clock.

My mother let everyone off at 3 and I had to stay an extra two hours.

That was my punishment, also I still have to do chores at her house.

After an hour of me getting ready, the babysitter showed up.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Miss Smith." Toni said.

She's a very sweet girl and loves her job. She lives down the street with her sister. She told me her parents kicked her out. It's very sad what's happened to them.

"It's fine, Toni. I'll be back maybe around nine." I said. "Also, call me Nikki."

She nodded and I went to my car.

I drove to the restaurant and Michael called three times. I ignored all three and parked my car.

"Hey, Nicole." André said, walking up to me.


"Shall we go in?"

I nodded and linked arms with him.

I saw him blush.

I giggled and we walked in.

"You're very pretty." He said after we order our drinks.


After a while of talking, I found out he's very humorous. He told me about is childhood and what him and his older sister did when they were younger. I told him about mine and who my mother is.

After we ate, he decided to walk me to my car.

"Are you seeing someone?" He asked randomly.

"Yes." I said.

I don't want him to think I want to date him. I may hate Michael right now, but I still love him.

"Oh, is it your kids father?"

"Yeah, you may know him."

"Really?" He asked.

I turned on my phone and showed him the picture of me and Michael hugging. (It's her background picture.)

"That's Michael Jackson."

"I know, my boyfriend." I said.

"So you're into rich guys?" He asked.

I scoffed quietly and looked at him.

"No, whether Michael was rich or not, I'll still love him."

"I didn't mean to offend you, Nicole."

"It's fine." I said and took out my keys. "I have to go, my kids are waiting."

"Same. Maybe one day we can set up a playdate." He said.

I nodded and told him to text me when.

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