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"This is beautiful, Michael." I said and kissed his cheek.

He smiled and a waitress walked up to us.

"Hello, welcome to our restaurant. Walk-in or reservation?" She chirped and took a glance at my stomach.

"Reservation for Jackson." Michael said, after clearing his throat.

She smirked. "Of course, Mich-Mr. Jackson."

She led us to a table and I couldn't wait to ask my questions about her.

"Who is she?" I said as soon as he sat down.

He sighed and looked at me. "Stacy's older sister."

"Oh." I said and she came back.

"Can I start you off with drinks?"

"Um, can I have water?" I asked nicely.

She nodded and looked at Michael.

"Same thing."

"I'll have them out in a minute." She walked off and I smiled at Michael.


"You got ice cream!" I squealed quietly.

"Can I ask you something first?" He asked and I looked at him.

I nodded and he began, "Nicole, I know we haven't had the best relationship, but I'm not making a mistake doing this."

He got down on one knee and I instantly teared up. These aren't the hormones either, well maybe.

"Nicole, you're my best friend, my shoulder to cry and lean on, my heart, the mother of my three children, my world, and if you say yes; my fiancée and future wife. We've been through hell and back. We have hit quite a few rough patches, but we got out and away. Please don't make me look like a fool, by saying no. Will you marry me?"

I looked around and everyone was looking at us, including the waitress.

"Say yes, hunny. He's fine!" Some girl yelled.

I giggled and nodded my head. "I'll marry you, Michael!"

He slid the ring on my finger and kissed me deeply.

I'm getting married.

We're getting married! I'm marrying the father of my children and love of my life.

He made this the best night ever.

Sorry, I haven't updated in sooo long. I promise two updates tomorrow for this book.


It's the eighth anniversary of this book. It's received a total of 16.9k reads and 1.73k votes. Thank you so much and I love you all!!

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