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Archie Andrews....
Did you forget what you promised me?

Or are you just pretending to forget?

Five year old, little Betty and little Archie were playing hide and seek with their pal Jughead.

"I'm going to count! One.... Two..." Jughead rattles off the numbers as he closes his eyes tightly and turns against the wall.

Little Betty follows little Archie, closely till he grabs her hand to run faster. And so they run- hand in hand, sprinting as fast as their little legs carry them, till they reach a big tree in the backyard.

"Juggie will never find us here," Archie pants as he leans against it and waits for Betty to catch up.

"Y-you think so?" she asks, sounding doubtful as she catches her breath.

"It's my secret hide out. My dad built it two days ago so Juggie doesn't know about it," he explains, proudly puffing his chest out before climbing the wooden ladder, and Betty, though scared of heights, follows Archie's lead and everything goes well until she decides to look down.

She feels dizzy as she stares at the ground a couple of feet below her. "I'm scared Archie!" she desperately cries as she closes her eyes tight before reaching out to another step, but it slips out of her grasp-

"I got you Bets!" the red head boy exclaims, grabbing her tiny shivering hand to pull her up. "I promise you, I will never let you go."

She smiles as she looks into his dark brown eyes which are full of sincerity, "Okay Archie, I believe you."

Author's note :

I'm surprised at the amount of reads this book is getting. I started this book three years ago and this is my first ever book, so I apologize for the typos and grammar mistakes. I've decided to start editing it slowly, sorry in advance and thank you for giving this book a chance 😊

- Suzanne

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