Chapter 19

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Dedicated to Kacy_Kat, thank you for reading! :D

"Reggie?" I gawk at his face as he looks at me with confusion . I then notice his tennis attire with  a racket slung over his back.

"Why are you here? "I manage to choke out as I get up with difficulty.

" I should ask you the same question." He dryly states before  taking a swig from his water bottle as he looks at me suspiciously.

" Were you here with a guy? You're dressed up prettily for once. " He remarks as he looks down at my heels.

I don't know whether that is a compliment or an insult.

" I-" before I can think of some proper excuse, we hear a loud honk.

"Get in. "Ginger orders from the driver's seat with Jug beside her. I run to the car, praying that he doesn't follow me.

" Wait, what are you guys doing here? " Reggie asks with his brow scrunched up in confusion. Ginger glances at me and I throw her back a pleading look. We both know that Reggie has a big mouth, that he finds difficult to keep shut.

He will  definitely tell Veronica.

" Take the driver's seat." She tells me before clambering out and grabs Reggie's hand.I jump in the seat as she pulls Reggie to the backseat.

" What are you doing? I still have practice! This is kidnap-" She slaps her hand painfully over his mouth before he can finish his banter.

"Another word from you lover boy and I'll tell Moose what you have been up to." She warns with her voice dripping of venom, making him shut up immediately.

I hit the gas pedal and drive far away- away from here.

" So why have you kidnapped guys me? " Reggie asks when we hit the main road.

" If anyone asks, you haven't seen us and no spreading rumors." I tell him as I keep my eyes focused on the road ahead.

" What? Rumors? Handsome ol me?" He gasps innocently as the three of us scoff loudly.

" We know how loose your big mouth is." Jughead groans.

" Wait, you guys were on a date right? Then why is she here? " He asks as he points to Ginger who growls in response,  causing him to shiver slightly and maintain a safe distance from her.

" My lips are sealed ." He finally says, making a locking motion with his hands over his lips as a bead of sweat rolls down his forehead .
     Thank you Ginger.

" Good , now where do you want to be dropped? " I ask him as we finally reach town.

" Well, you could go back and drop me, I wanted to play a decent game with Jason." Reggie points out as he crosses his arms in annoyance.

"Who told you to roam near the parking lot? " Ginger asks.

"I forgot to bring in my towel! "He defensively says and the two of them start bickering. 

"Jason? You mean Jason Blossom? " I cut in with shock.

" The one and only." He replies  with a smirk.

Jason Blossom is a student of Pembrooke High. He was my  classmate till he moved to Pembrooke , a town a few hours away from Riverdale which comprises of the most snobbish of people, but, most importantly, he was Cheryl Blossom's twin.

The most popular girl in Highschool.

She used to be one of my rivals for Archie, but she is a good friend of mine as well. I wonder how she is doing now, it's been months since I've spoken to her.

" So Jason was asking about you." He continues nonchalantly as  I grip the steering wheel tighter.

" I don't care." I say in a clipped tone as I grit my teeth.

" Do you hate him or something ? " Reggie asks me, sounding  surprised.

I shake my head. I don't want to tell anyone that Jason used to call me the 'blonde bumpkin' and used to make fun of me because of my family's poor status.

" Look at the bumpkin and her dumb toy." He cries out with an evil laugh as he dangles a battered toy in the air. The rest of the class joins in.

"My sister gave me that! Give it back! " Betty complains tearing up as she tried to grab it back. It was show and tell and she had brought her favorite teddy.

" Hey, don't make fun of Betty! " Little Jughead comes to her defense immediately.

"That's not very nice Jason." Another voice warns, and in front of her stood little Jughead and little Archie.

"Fine, have your lame toy back. I don't want it. I have my Robot dog anyway!" He huffs as he throws the toy down and walks with his friends to a corner,  flaunting his expensive gadget.

"Here you go Betty. "

They pick it up and hand it to her, making her smile widely. They are her knights in shining armour who would always protect her from Jason the bully.

" Why don't you drop me and Jug at Pop tate's? " Reggie suggests as he looks at Jug with a glint in his eye. Jug looks surprised as well.

" What for ? "Jughead asks cautiously.

" Free hotdogs." He offers cheerily ,making Jug want to kiss him now.


I drop them off at Pop's," I'll see you guys later."

They wave and walk into Pop's together. I wonder what they want to talk about now.

"So.. What are you thinking about? " Ginger asks with curiousity.

" Nothing really."  I lie with a sigh as I keep my eyes on the road.

" You were looking forward to spending the night together, right? " She teases as she wiggles her eyebrows.

" What? Eww, no! " I shake my head vehemently as I blush. She stares at me for a minute before rolling her eyes.

" Denial ." She mutters under her breath.

" Hey! It's not that..he just makes me happy alright." I finally  say as I stare harder at the road.

" How?" She presses. She really is a busy body.

" Well, he makes me feel special , he listens to what I have to say and makes me laugh." I say, answering her question anyway. I notice her having this weird  sappy look on her face. What is with her?

I stop the car in front of my house.  "Why are you looking at me like that? " I ask, suddenly feeling self conscious.

She gives me a Cheshire cat grin as her eyes sparkle. " We are going to have a big party! I'm going to stay over today because of this! " She exclaims as she jumps out of the car.

I get out of the car as well, still puzzled as we walk up to my front porch.

" Um.. Why? " I ask her, still in the dark. She looks at me like I came from another planet.

" We are celebrating. " She bursts laughing as she notices my lost expression. " You are so cute! " She says wiping the tears that start to form at the corners of her eyes and pinches my cheeks playfully.

What's so funny? Do I have a zit or something??

" Wait, you seriously haven't realized it? " She asks looking shocked. She places her hands on my shoulders and gives me a good shake.

" You're in love with Jughead! " She exclaims as she bounces up and down happily .

I look at her with my eyes popping out of my sockets,"What! "

I like Jughead? I'm still getting over Archie! And how can I like the guy who hates girls? He is  a good friend of mine.

" What the hell?! " I hear someone else say.

Ginger narrows her eyes with her face contorted with disgust. I turn back to look at a bouquet of flowers on the floor and a very angry Archie.

I moved on Archie I ✔Where stories live. Discover now