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7 Years later-

"You look really stressed out." Ginger says, stating the obvious as I stare at myself in the large mirror in front of me as a lady does her finishing touches on my hair.

"I think she needs more foundation to hide those blemishes." She cheerfully tells the lady and I give her a look.

"I should have just made you wear that ugly mustard dress." I huff as I adjust my skirt and carefully get up from the stool.

"Hah, like I would've let you. You're lucky you got these fantastic bridesmaid dresses and your wedding dress designed by a famous designer for a wonderful price." She twirls around in her maroon dress and smirks knowingly.

"Thank you Ginger Lopez." I say as I squeeze her tightly.

"I'm not your maid of honor for nothing." She winks. "and you look beautiful, too bad poor Jughead can't do anything until the ceremony is over." She teases as I blush and look at the tiny blue diamond engagement ring on my hand.

"It must be nice, getting married to the one you love." She mutters softly with a sad expression on her face as she looks at the floor.

After we gradated, Ginger and Reggie broke up since they decided they couldn't handle a long distance relationship, but in my opinion, I think they still love each other even though Ginger has a new boyfriend back in Paris and Reggie keeps playing around with multiple girls.

They should just get back together! They are so perfect for each other, why is it so difficult for them to admit it?

Even though they broke up, the other couples managed to stay together. Moose still has anger issues and beats up any guy who tries to make a move on Midge, but they're happy.

Nancy and Chuck are engaged, while Dilton and Cheryl keep seeing each other, which is a surprise since Cheryl wasn't a serious type and Raj and Ron, well they-

The door swings suddenly swings open. "Aunt Betty! Aunt Betty!" Richard chirps as he rushes in and places his small hands in mine. I smile at the cute little boy and place him on my lap.

"Richard Patel! Come back here!" His mother rushes in, out of breath but stops and stares at me with a twinkle of amusement in her eyes."Little Betty Crocker is finally getting married, don't want Jug screaming at me for wrinkling your dress." She teasingly says as she plucks her son from my lap.

"Awee, but I love Aunt Betty." He pouts and looks at me with his big black eyes.

She tickles him, "Don't you love Mommy more?"

"I never did pin you to be mother." I tell her as she plants a loving kiss on his chubby cheek before adjusting his black bow tie.

"I'm the best wife as well." She replies indignantly and I smile.

"And for a mother you do have quite a figure." Ginger adds, looking envious as we stare at her slim figure in the bridesmaid dress.

She chuckles, "Raj always tells me that. Ah, I forgot.. You have to come out now, can't make your fiancé wait for too long." Veronica teases before walking out with her son.

"The rings are with you, right?" I holler and she nods. Richard is our cute little ring bearer.

I can't believe that out of all of us, Ron was the first to get married. The wedding was a few years back in India and it was amazing- the glitz, the food and the people! Raj is now a renowned filmmaker and Ron has her own chain of boutiques in India which is slowly expanding. Mr. Lodge must be so proud.

"Enough dreaming!" Ginger finally says and drags me out of my stool. "Don't you want to attend your own wedding?" She asks with a raised eyebrow and I smile sheepishly.

"I wouldn't want to." I mumble as she hands me a bouquet of white roses and helps me with my trail.

At the church entrance, my dad looks at me with his eyes crinkling and a sad smile on his face, "You look beautiful honey." He softly says as I loop my arm in his.

I take a deep breath as we walk to the altar, I look at the gang lined up as our bridesmaids and groomsmen.

Archie looks at me with a smile as he stands behind Jug as his best man. I smile and glance at his girlfriend a pretty and sweet girl –Fiona, who he met in college and they've been steadily going out ever since.

Cheryl, Midge and Nancy give me a thumbs up as Reggie whistles lowly in the background. As I stand beside my to- be -husband, I feel his gaze fixed on me.

"What?" I whisper, a feeling a little self conscious as he eyes my sweet heart neckline.

"I can't seem to take my eyes off you." He mutters before the priest begins his speech.

After we exchange our vows and rings, the priest holds his hand up, "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." He says.

I look at my handsome husband who looks sexy in his black suit and vest as he cups my cheeks, "You are so breathtaking that you haunted me everyday in my dreams." His eyes darken before he places his mouth on mine.

I smile against his lips and sigh in happiness.

"It's nice to know that I won't be alone every night." He continues with a smirk, making my blush.

I touch his chiseled jaw in disbelief.
I'm finally married, married to a very handsome man who I've known for almost all my life.

"Let's go dear wifey, I'm craving some wedding cake." He remarks as he pats his toned stomach, making me stifle a chuckle. Even after all these years, he still loves eating. He hasn't changed a bit.

"Yes, my sweet husband." I sing as he places my arm around his and softly kisses my lips as the photographer clicks a picture.

"I got this made for you." He says as he places a small crown that is identical to his, on top of my head.

I reach up and feel the pink coloured hat on my head and grin as Jug leans in and whispers into my ear.

"Now you're officially Mrs. Betty Jones."

Tada! It's done. I finally finished this book 😪😭

I'm sad that it's over, I started this book nearly two years ago. Thank you guys for voting and commenting, you really make my day :)
I hope you give my other books a go
I'll see you all in a bit! Bye for now! 😘😉
Loads of love and cookies ~Suzanne

 Thank you guys for voting and commenting, you really make my day :)I hope you give my other books a goI'll see you all in a bit! Bye for now! 😘😉Loads of love and cookies ~Suzanne

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I moved on Archie
©Nikitha Varghese
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