Chapter 9

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There's almost ten days left till the dance and I still haven't gotten Archie to ask me out.

Our movie date did not go as well as I hoped since Archie was felt bad for making me watch that horror movie.

"Next time, if you ever feel uncomfortable, please tell me." Archie gently says as he drops me off.

"Okay." I whisper as I look at the ground. "Actually, why did you suddenly ask me out?" I blurt out suddenly, immediately regretting the words that fall out of my mouth.

"Nothing much, I thought I should hang out with my best friend." He says with a wink, making my stomach drop.

Oh God-I have been friend zoned.

"You are close to Ron, right? " He asks out of the blue.

"Yeah why? "

"It's just that she has been very - difficult lately." He states, hesitantly, massaging his temples and closing his eyes with a sigh, "Did she tell you anything?"

"Um, no. Not really."

I kept my hopes up.

Veronica again.

It's Monday morning and Jughead and I stand by the lockers. "What good news did you want to tell me?" I ask taking out my books for Mr. Flutesnoot's class.

"Oh, that... Archie and Veronica might break up." His eyes study mine which widen in shock.

"What!!" I scream as I drop my books. "And that's bad news!" Well, it is good news for me, but I'm friends with the two of them. I can't be happy for that.

"Shhh." Hissing as he covers my mouth with his large hands. Funny, they smell strongly of burgers.

"Did you have burgers for breakfast? "I stare at him in shock as he slowly removes his hands from my mouth.

"Noooo." He defends weakly, looking at the floor, like a child caught in the act of lying

"Can't you eat something healthy? Too much meat is bad for you Jug! " I nag.

"Yeah, yeah." Pretending to listen, he nods his head but I doubt he is even bothered about his health.

As we walk to class, we bump into Archie and he looks like a wreck, with bags under his eyes, hair tousled messily, shirt buttoned wrongly and his pants wrinkled to the very bottom. "Uh, hey Arch." Jug glances at me with a 'told you so' look on his face.

"Hey Archie." I try sounding casual, but my voice manages to crack in between.

"Hey guys." He waves and walks into class like a zombie. We look at each other before quietly following him in and slide into our seats. Ron hasn't come yet, must be late, as usual.

Halfway through class, as Mr Flutesnoot is teaching us about the analysis of various salts, we all hear the clicking of heels. "Excuse me." I hear Ron breezily say.

"Miss Lodge! Why are you late?" Tapping the wooden scale in his hand with his eyes narrowed to thin slits, our teacher looks anything but friendly.

"I had to buy a matching pair of earrings for this dress." She arrogantly replies shrugging her shoulders and flinging her bag on the table as she sits down next to me, leaving him speechless.

Her action takes me by surprise since she normally sits right next to Archie. Now, she is acting as though he doesn't exist anymore, she seems unfazed by the whole thing. Her appearance is amazing as usual. Unlike Archie, her hair is loosely hung, with wisps of hair covering her eyes and her leather miniskirt with those Chanel boots makes her look like a sex goddess.

"Could I borrow your notes Betty?" She leans over and whispers. I nod and hand it to her without any questions.

Gym is our next period. After changing into our gym clothes, our coach instructed us to play a game of dodgeball, boys and girls together. Ron as usual decides to sit on the bench since she doesn't want to break a nail and all the guys swarm around her as though she's the Queen bee.
Well she is, and I can tell that Archie is really pissed by the way he clutches the ball.

"Arch, throw it here! " I yell trying to get his attention as everyone else looks at him as he stands still with the ball in his hands.

We are on the same team while Jug, Ginger and Reggie were on the other, but instead of aiming it at Reggie who is only a few feet away from him, he throws it in Ron's direction hitting one of the guys who was flirting with her, causing her to scream in shock and the flirt to yelp in pain.

"This is not good." Jug mutters as he runs to stop an angry looking Archie from marching towards to the bleachers, but fails miserably as Archie pushes him to a side.

"Archie! What is your problem?" She hisses as she points a finger at his chest.

"He is." He spits out venomously. I have never seen Archie this angry before- never.

"Well, you should have thought about that before you went on that date with Sarah! " She screams back. Sarah is the new transfer student who joined our school a few weeks back, from Houston, Texas. A hot, sexy cowgirl.

"I was just showing her around." Archie defensively cries, throwing his hands in frustration.

"Oh yeah? Then Brian was showing me around as well." She states, rolling her eyes.

"Some help here Betty!" Jug calls out, looking a bit scared to be caught up in the crossfire as they continue to glare at each other.

I run and drag Ron to one corner while Jug drags Archie to another.

"I'm going to break up with Archie." Ron chokes, tearing up.

"Ron, don't. You should think about it." I try convincing her.

"My mind is made up Betty." A single drop falls from her cheek and she quickly wipes it away before anyone else can notice and saunters up to Archie who is busy having a heated discussion with Jug.

"We are done." Saying that she flips her hair and walks out of the room leaving Archie standing there, stunned.

"They have been fighting a lot lately." Jug whispers. "I had a feeling that they might break up soon, but I didn't think that today would be 'soon'."

I am pretty shocked as well. I almost feel bad for Archie getting dumped.



I sit on my bed, busily typing my English paper that is due on Friday when the doorbell rings. Since Mom went out with her friends and Dad had gone for work, I go to open the door and am shocked to see Archie standing in front of me. He looks worse than he had in the morning. "Ar-Archie?" I stutter, surprised to find him at my doorstep.

He falls on me and hugs me. "Just let me stay like this for a while." He pleads as he holds me tightly.

I squeeze him back, "I'm here for you."

As Archie sits on the couch watching a baseball game, I whip up some of my special walnut brownies to cheer him up. "Thanks Bets, you're the best." He gratefully says as he takes a big bite.

"You're welcome."

I wish I was the' one '.

"You wanna talk about it?" I ask him nervously as he munches the brownies with his eyes glued to the screen.

"Talk about what?" He asks innocently between bites.

" About Ron. " I hesitantly say.

"There is nothing to talk about, we're done." He states coldly, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"I think you should make up with her, talk things out and all. You know, she - " I start only to be cut off by him midsentence as he places his lips on mine.

Do you guys have any ship names for the couples.
I'm thinking of some as well. If you do, I'd love to hear them!


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