Chapter 16

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I wake up with a start. "Where am I?" I ask groggily as I rub my eyes and huff ,stretching, still half asleep.

"Hey Bets."Jug says making me stare at him wide eyed before whipping my hair and looking around.

I am at home, on my bed to be precise, and I am still wearing the outfit that I had worn at the party yesterday. Jug sits calmly on a chair next to my bed, reading a book, which is really surprising . Must be a cookbook full of pictures of food.

"Why are you here and where is mom and dad? " I ask, suppressing a yawn.

" Well, your parents had to visit your aunt Sarah ,so I offered to babysit you for the weekend. " He says with a wink, making me blush.

" I am not a baby and it's a Saturday." I add as I cross my arms.

" Whatever you say." He shrugs as he gets up and walks downstairs with his book," Oh, and they said that they would be back on Tuesday. " He adds.

" I'll be in the kitchen. "

" Okay. "

I finally get up and trudge to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I look into the mirror and gasp, horrified.

My hair looks like a dog has chewed on it and my raccoon eyes are staring back at me bleary and wild .

I definitely need a shower.

Wait... Did he see me like this? I slap my forehead. I want to evaporate into thin air.

I take a deep breath. I don't look all that bad, I convince myself as I tried a model's pose and a sexy pout but fail miserably .

Oh well.
You can't argue with a mirror.

After a good hot shower, I changed into some comfy jammies and walk to the kitchen, catching a whiff of bacon and eggs.

If I had a weak heart, I would have a heart attack right now, because standing in front of me and making breakfast is Jughead. He is wearing my mom's pink frilly apron, yet I find it sexy. I wobble and clutch a chair to steady my heart.

"Breakfast. Bon Appétite." He throws me a smile as he places the scrambled eggs and bacon in front of me. I blink and rub my eyes hard, expecting the image to disappear, but he still stands ,staring at me with newfound amusement.

I'm definitely dreaming .

So I slap myself- hard.

"Ouch! " I yelp as I feel the sting on my cheek. That hurt, a lot.

" Serves you right for thinking that I couldn't cook ." Jug says with a gasp, clutching his stomach with tears forming in his eyes.

" Hey! Excuse me for always seeing you hog and not cook! " I defensively say

" Well, there is always a first time." He pushes the plate towards me.

" Fine ." I say as I jab a fork in. Just because it smells good, doesn't mean that it should taste good, right?

" How is it ." He asks with big puppy dog eyes. He looks so adorable right now so I avoid his gaze.

" Tastes like bacon and eggs. " I say with a shrug, in between chews with my head in my plate.


" Hey! It tastes great, just admit it. " He insists as he grabs the plate away. God, He is trying so hard to fish some compliments out of my mouth.

" It's tastes okay." I insist, trying to grab my plate back, but it's actually delicious along with the strawberry milkshake that he whipped up. I don't want to raise his already big ego, guys always have an ego problem and I am the better cook anyway.

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