Chapter 37

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"Where are we going?" I ask Jug for the eleventh time as we sit in his car for what seems like hours.

His devilishly handsome face crinkles into a smug smile and as he takes his eyes off the road for a moment to answer my question, "It's a surprise." He teasingly says, making me shake my head and sit back into my seat in a huff while the car is filled with Adam Levine's voice.

"We're here." Jug finally says making me bolt upright and rub the sleepiness out of my eyes.

He leans over and helps me with my seatbelt as I fumble with it in haste. His hand grazes my waist, making me stiffen slightly. It's just a feather touch but it evokes tingles in my stomach as I remember yesterday's incident. I blush deeply as he walks around and opens the door for me, just like a gentleman.

"Care to tell me now where we are?" I pout as I reach out for his hand. He chuckles deeply as he softly pecks my lips.

"You'll see." He repeats and I groan aloud before following him. We walk towards a big fence that has a big sign nailed to the middle that reads 'No trespassers'. He then reaches into his back pocket and takes out a big old rusted key and unlocks the big gate. Before he slips in he motions me inside.

Puzzled, I follow him in but stop and gasp as I look on. "Wow." I breathe as I stare at the rows and rows of daffodils and petunias blossomed to their very best and the monarch butterflies hovering above them.

And in the center of the field is a red checked cloth.

"A picnic?" My lips curl up into a smile before I run towards it and pick up the woven basket that rests on it.

"You like it?" He asks as he comes up from behind as I open it to see it crammed up to the brim with food.

I shake my head hard making his smile falter, "You don't like it? Damn, I should have just listened to Reggie and taken you to that famous Greek restaurant in town."

He looks pretty troubled as he paces up and down, deep in thought, "So do you want to go somewhere else? If we start now we could try that new seafood place-"

I throw my arms around him, catching him completely by surprise, making him stumble a bit before he wraps his arms around my waist to steady himself.

"I love it." I whisper into his ears and his face brightens .

I don't really need a fancy restaurant or a Chanel purse.

He went through all the trouble to make a picnic just for me. Of course I am touched. I kiss his pointed nose as he smiles and lets out a deep breath, "That's a relief, I was praying that you  would."


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