Chapter 22

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24th December

It's Christmas eve and school is shut for vacation and for nearly two weeks Jug has been avoiding me, dodging me whenever I try to approach him.

"Hopefully he will be at Ron's party today. " I convince myself as I wrap the handmade muffler that I made with a lot of difficulty in a box with a big red bow.

"He will accept this, won't he?" I question myself as I take a deep breath. He isn't cruel enough to refuse it.

"Ready?" Ginger asks as she pops her head in my room and nods her head in approval as she looks at my outfit- a red A-line dress that reaches just above my knees and blow dried my hair and curled it at the ends.

"You are dressed to impress." She whistles making me smile shyly. I guess I am. I want to impress someone, someone who for once doesn't take me for granted.

" You look really pretty as well." I compliment her as I admire her hourglass figure in the curvy cream skin fit dress paired up with nude pumps.

She gives me a smirk," I'm going all out to get a boyfriend today . Ready to hunt. " She gives me a victory sign before bustling me out of the house, "We are getting late! We need to reach early to find some cute guys."

As we walk out, I clutch the gift in my arms, nervous. Would he like it? It is homemade and looks a little clumsy.

We reach Ron's place in twenty minutes and it's already jam packed, overflowing with guests.

I scan the crowd for Jug, but don't spot him anywhere.

Noticing my eyes roaming the crowd," Go look for Jug, I'm going to catch a guy today." Ginger vows as she disappears in the crowd.

I grip the box tighter and spot Ron near the drinks bar with her hand draped over Archie she notices me and waves.

" You came! " She exclaims  excitedly as she hugs me tightly and I hug her equally hard.

We both made up and started hanging out again after apologizing and forgiving each other, so we have been on pretty good terms these past few weeks .

" Um.. Did you see Jug by chance? " I casually ask her, completely ignoring Archie who stands beside her and stares at me.

Just because I'm her friend doesn't mean that I have to talk to her boyfriend.

" No, In fact Archiekins just told me that Jughead caught the flu ." She replies, looking at Archie lovingly. I glance at him to find him still staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

My heart falters," Flu? "

Archie nods and finally speaks," Yeah, it's pretty sad really. His family was planning to visit his aunt for Christmas, but he caught the flu. He told them to go while he stayed at home ."

"It's a pity he is alone for Chris-" Ron starts but I don't listen further as grab my phone and call Ginger.

He is all alone, sick.

" Hello? Hey! You spilt grape juice in my dress!! " She yells angrily into the phone.

" Where are you? " I ask her urgently. The Lodge mansion is a huge fortress and it's pretty difficult to spot someone easily.

" By the pool-Hey you!! " She  angrily scolds someone next to her.

I rush towards the indoor pool and spot her arguing with Reggie," You spilt juice all over my dress and now it is ruined. You better take responsibility for this. " She glares at him with her hands on her hips, looking furious.

" Hey, it's not my fault you weren't watching where you were going." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"You were busily flirting with a blonde bimbo," I fold my arms, I don't know whether I should be offended or not at the blonde comment. She grabs his collar before continuing," No guy will look at me now! "

His eyes flutter to the purple stain near her cleavage and smirks," I would. "

I giggle quietly as she gawks at him, blushing furiously. They do make a dynamic couple, don't they?

Ginger fiddles with her dress, looking embarrassed and her cheeks turn pink as Reggie locks eyes with her and their faces move slowly, closer and closer...

" Betty? " She gasps, finally noticing me. I guess you could say that I ruined it for them.

" I need your car." I reply as she looks a bit relieved to have been interrupted while Reggie looks disappointed .

She rummages her bag for her keys and hands them to me,"Jug? "

I nod and run to the parking lot. I reach his place in the shortest time possible. I walk steadily to his front door and ring the bell while I hold my breath.

He answers the door after a while." Bet- why?" He coughs badly and almost falls to the floor. He looks tired, his face is pale and dull while his hair messed up with strands poking up at different places.

I catch him and put his arm around my shoulder,"I'm here to take care of you."

I take him to his room where he lays in bed,"You-shouldn't-be here." He starts between coughs looking exhausted, with his cheeks flushed.

"I'm making you some soup." I  state as I walk into the kitchen to whip up some tomato soup.

As I boil the can of tomatoes, he walks in groggily. " Shouldn't you be in bed?! " I say as he staggers in with his eyes dropping.

He trips and I reach out to catch him, but fall along with him. He lands on top of me -half asleep." Jug, your heavy!" I wheeze, trying to get him off me.

"I'm sorry I avoided you, I just felt bad. You always looked at me as your good friend, but I -" My heart pounds rapidly as his face is just inches away from mine with his lips closing in on the remaining distance. I look into those charcoal eyes of his, drinking me up and making me feel weak. I close my eyes, expecting a kiss - when he faints.

With much difficulty I drag him to bed. In ten minutes I wake him up and hand him a steaming hot bowl of soup and he gulps it down.

" Thank you." He drinks it hungrily and I hand him some medicine with a glass of water.

"You should rest." I tell him as I tuck him in bed. He coughs before dozing off in. I hold his hand, stifling a yawn,"What was he going to say? We almost kissed." My cheeks heat up at the memory.

But I wouldn't have minded." I softly whisper as I feel my eyes droop as well.

I guess I do like Jughead.

She just admitted her feelings! XD
I'm just curious to know this, what song are you listening to right now?
I'm listening to" Want to want me" by Jason Derulo. It's amazing!

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