Chapter 4

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"Don't forget, you know what you have to do right?" I whisper to Jughead as he gulps the lump in his throat and nods mutely looking absolutely terrified.Currently we both are hiding beside the lockers with Archie standing just a few feet away from us, oblivious of our presence.

I'm wearing the dress that we bought at the mall and I took extra effort today morning to get ready and I know my efforts are not in vain as I caught a few heads turn my way and a few girls threw me envious glances with daggers in their eyes.

Jug groans as he buries his face in his palms, "You so owe me Betty." Yup, I will have to take him for some pizza today if the plan is a success.

Reason : Distracting Veronica.

When Veronica is nearby Archie never notices me, so for me to woo him, Jug will be the distraction, or sacrifice as he likes to call it since he claims that he isn't fond of Veronica, in fact he hates her with passion to the extent that even a simple conversation with her would be amazingly hard for him, but knowing him, he will do anything to make this plan work, since free pizza is at stake here.

I promised him a trip to a new pizza place in town after all.

"There she is!" I point towards the entrance as I see her waltz in and Jug shudders .

"All the best!" We wish each other before we hurry in the opposite directions.

I put on some perfume, a really flowery scented one, before walking towards Archie. It must have been really strong as his head jerks up and he notices me right away.

"Hi Bets," he greets with a surprised look on his face.

My heart beats rapidly as his full attention is finally on me, for  once it's actually working! "Hey Archie," I casually say as I shyly tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Betty, there is a leaf in your hair," he murmurs, noticing the bit of green placed there just a few minutes ago by me. In many movies, when the guy  leans in to pick it out, his eyes land on her lush lips and then-

Unconsciously we both inch closer and slowly the gap between us closes and his eyes  flutter to my mouth. Before I realize it, our faces are only a few inches apart.

He slowly leans in and I close eyes.

I wait in anticipation for the kiss, but it never comes.

                        *        *        *

As Jughead rushes to hold back Veronica, he internally groans. They don't get along at all.

"Here goes nothing. Pizza please wait for me," he mutters to himself as he takes a deep breath he better not regret this.

"Pizza is definitely worth this," he convinces himself before taking a  deep breath. "Ron!!" He runs to her with full gusto and a fake smile plastered on his face.

"What do you want Jughead?" she rudely replies in an icy tone, looking ready to brush him aside and interrupt Betty.

"Maybe it isn't worth the trouble," he reasons as he shudders under her sharp glare.

"Uhh, Just wanted to say that I hope you become Queen for the prom!" The lie comes to him very easily as he blurts it out without a stutter.

"What are you up to Jughead? Since when did you care about Prom Queen and not the menu?" she asks suspiciously, narrowing her eyes and making him immediately regret his words.

"I - I just wanted to wish you luck.. " he stammers stupidly.

She stares at him with distrust, "I don't know why you're acting weird."

Jughead groans and winces, "She sure is smart when she wants to be."

"Where is my Archieboo?" Ron finally mumbles as she starts scanning the hall, making Jug wince at the horrible nickname name.

Uh oh..With that hawk eye of hers, she will surely spot them! "Ron - " Je tries again, desperate to get her precious attention, but it's too late. Her eyes land on something,
somebody actually and Jug notices her fuming with rage.

"Oh I don't think so!" she growls out loud before stomping off.

" Not good..." Jug mutters before running after her. "For someone wearing six inch heels, she is awfully fast!" he ruefully states, panting after  her.

                     *       *       *

We are interrupted when someone clears their throat.

" Ronnie!!" Archie exclaims nervously.

"Am I interrupting something?" she asks icily as her eyes sway from him to me.

"Nothing! You look great today!" he praises her as she falls into his chest and clutches him protectively.

I feel a prick in my chest. He never complimented me.

"I'm glad I didn't disturb your 'important discussion'," she continues as she throws me a glare and looks at my outfit with disdain. Did she just do an eye roll?

This isn't the first time that she has openly insulted my sense of style.

Once when orange juice had fallen on her skirt, I offered my dress but she laughed and said that she would never wear a 'sack ' that doesn't have a label.

My mother had given me that dress for my birthday! She made fun of it and the worst part about it all was that Archie never uttered a word and followed her out, not bothered that she had hurt me very badly

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My mother had given me that dress for my birthday! She made fun of it and the worst part about it all was that Archie never uttered a word and followed her out, not bothered that she had hurt me very badly.

It stung.

"No! We were just discussing homework," he smoothly lies, throwing me a look as my eyes widen in surprise.

Wow, that wasnt very difficult for him and now I can't help but feel hurt.

" That's great, then I'll take him away," she drawls with smirk and giving me a look of victory as she loops her hand through his arm and drags him away.

As I watch their retreating figures, I feel someone standing behind me. "I'm sorry Bets, I couldn't hold her down any longer. "

"It's not your fault Jug, you did great."

He squeezes my arm comfortingly, "Just so you know, you look very beautiful today."

I wish Archie had said that, but Jughead's words are comforting to hear.

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