Chapter 20

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Dedicated to mittensna, I'm very grateful for your cute comments :*

Jughead's Pov :

"Order whatever you like." He grins as I look at him in awe. Is he for real? Reggie would rather spend time playing pranks on me and Archie than shelling out greens to treat me. And treating me is always expensive, not matter how cheap the food is.

Is this another one of his pranks?

" No it isn't," he says reading my thoughts," it's on me today." That's like an invitation to bankrupt ville and music to my ears.

" A plate of hotdogs and a vanilla milkshake." I sing happily to Pop who nods while busily flipping burgers.

I watch Reg from the corner of my eye and see him quickly counting the money that he has in his wallet, looking a little worried.

It's all going to fly away soon.

" So.. " he starts awkwardly, looking at my pile of food as I continue to scarf down my third hotdog. I look up from my plate of goodness and questioningly into his face.

" You and Betty eh? " He continues with a wink causing me to choke on my sausage.

" No! " I croak weakly before erupting into a fit of coughs as  he wordlessly passes me a  milkshake and I gulp it down with a burp.

I am known as the Beethoven of burps. Yes, I would know, I came up with the name myself.

" Don't lie. " He sounds secretly amused," I saw the whole thing in Ginger's house. "

I stare at him open mouthed.

What did he see?

" You confessed to her while she was sleeping, very brave if I must say." He says with sarcasm as he waits for my  reaction.

My breath hitches, how did he see that? I thought we were alone.

" I was under the bed, hiding from Moose ." He explains sheepishly as he scratches his neck in embarrassment.

" So.. Are you going to tell someone? " I finally ask as a lump forms in my throat. After all, Reggie is known for spreading rumors.

He looks at me seriously and shakes his head. " I don't want to ruin your happiness." He mutters quietly, looking very sincere and genuine.

Relief is seen all over my face as I slump back into my seat.

"Why don't you just confess? " He suggests and  shake my head in disagreement.

" I'm sure that she will reject me, she loves Arch."
For a really long time.

"I think she will be over him by now ." He says with a wave of his hand, "Besides you might want to confess soon. You have a lot of competition."

"Competition? " I look at him puzzled.

He looks at me surprised. " Jason Blossom has always had a huge crush on her, ever since middle school. "

" Really? " It's now my turn to look surprised.

"Yeah, he is back in town and is planning to ask her out. "

No. He can't.

" You should confess as soon as possible, I just wanted to give you a heads up." He adds.

"You're  right.. I should." I wistfully say as I get up. I should tell her how I feel before it's too late." Thank you Reg. " I run out of Pop's, leaving behind a plate full of untouched food.

I have to tell her. Tell her that I love her. I should get her something. Chocolates?

I run into a nearby Walmart and grab a heart shaped box of chocolates and stand at the counter for billing , taking my wallet out my my back pocket.

" Damn, I forgot my wallet! " I groan as I slap my forehead in anger, feeling my empty pockets. I left it at Betty's, how could I be so dumb?

" Duh, Jug? " I look up to see Moose staring at me.

Okay, this is extremely awkward. I never knew that he works here part time. Mental note: Never step into Walmart again.

" Don't have money? " He asks rolling up his sleeves as he punches into the computer as he bills the box . His voice is enough to get me sweating. I'm definitely getting creamed now.

" No? " I say, unsure of what my fate is going to be as he gives me a long stare and narrows his eyes. He shuffles and I close my eyes, preparing for impact, must be a gun or a hockey stick.
I gulp inwardly. 

I feel a pat on my shoulders," Don't kill me! " I yell agitatedly,  throwing my hands up in the air.

I slightly open one eyelid to see him staring at me with a puzzled expression on his face and his hand is outstretched and see a few dollar bills in his hands. I look at him in surprise," Don't mention it. "

" Gee, thanks." I say touched by his kind gesture.

" No  problem." He gruffly says as he hands me the Belgium truffles.
      Sometimes I underestimate the big guy.

I run towards her house with the chocolates hidden behind my back, breathless from all that running. Somehow this feels like deja vu.

" What the hell Betty! You like Jughead? " I look up to hear Archie scream and notice a bouquet of roses tossed to the side- her favorite flowers.

Suddenly, my box of chocolates seem so measly. She likes me? Suddenly, I feel hopeful.

" What nonsense are you sprouting? " She yells back, unaware of my presence," I don't like Jughead and never will, he will always be a friend to me and I certainly don't like you either!"

Though she coldly explains it to Archie, I can't help but feel a prick in my heart. She will never like me any other way.

"Jughead? " Ginger spots me before I decide to run away like a coward.

" Jug? " Betty echos suddenly aware of my presence as her eyes fall on me.

Act casual. " Hey." I drawl, relaxed and I adjust my hat to cover a part of my face.

"What's that? " Ginger points at the box I hold in my hands.

" Oh, this? Ethel gave it to me." I lie through my teeth as I open the box and pop one chocolate into my mouth," A gift for introducing her to Blake, her new boyfriend. " The coca engulfs my mouth, but it tastes awful. Weird.

Jug.. " Betty starts but I hold up my hand.

" Just came for my phone and wallet." I state dryly  as I step in and quickly grab my stuff lying on the table.

" He was here before? " Archie asks in disbelief, still standing outside.

"Yes, got a problem with that lover boy?" Ginger sneers as Archie glares back at her, unable to come up with a smart reply .

"Good bye." I mumble, trying to leave as fast as possible.

" Jug.. " Betty calls again as she grabs my hand.

" What? " I snap, a little too rudely as she looks at me shocked and drops my hand .

"Nothing." She whispers, looking a little guilty as she wraps her arms around her chest before looking at the floor.

I grunt in response and walk past Archie, completely ignoring him and crush the white box of heart shaped chocolates between my hands and throw it in the nearest bin.

Bitterness is the only flavor that engulfs my tongue as I walk with my head bent low as she voice keeps playing in my head.

"In her eyes I will always be a good friend. Nothing more, nothing less."

Poor Jug :'(
Bughead  will be back with a bang!
What do you think of Ginger and Reggie? Renger? XD
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