Chapter 36

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Ahaga Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim readers! 😚
  Did I say that right?
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"One shrimp salad with fish and chips." I smile as I place the steaming plate in front of the customer before running off to take the next order from the young couple at table 3.

It's been three days since I started waitressing in a busy restaurant in the mall. I halt as I stare at the two familiar faces grinning back at me ,"Reggie? Ginger? What are you two doing here? "

They look around the place appreciably, "Trina's bistro, pretty chick place. How come we haven't come here before babe? " Reggie asks his girlfriend as he comfortably snuggles in the plush chair, ignoring my question .

"I always wanted to try it out, but I don't know why I haven't. Maybe it's because I always asked someone but she kept telling me that the food isn't that great !" She answers as she not so subtly glares at me in accusation because of the tiny white lie I had told her. The food is great, amazing actually.

I sigh as I wipe my sweaty palms on my apron before taking out the paper pad from my back pocket."Your order?"

" You. " A deep voice rasps out as his lips graze my ear, nearly making me jump out of my skin as I drop my pen , flustered.

"Jug? " I turn and look at my boyfriend who cutely pouts and rests his head on my shoulder.

I stare at the couple, busily discussing which dish is cheapest on the menu because the restaurant isn't very  pocket friendly. Even though Ginger and Reggie are pretty well off, they love getting discounts and freebies. Must be the reason why they are soul mates.

"Why did you guys drop in? I didn't want you guys distracting me from work! " I say exasperatedly as I glance at the manager who gives me a stink eye from the distance, shaking his head before training his eyes  back to his account book.

"What's the best thing on the menu? " Ginger lifts her head up from the menu and asks," And preferably the cheapest?"

"The watercress salad." I dryly say as I pick up the pen that I dropped and pause, "Haven't you been listening to what I have been saying? " I tap my foot impatiently when suddenly I feel Jug's hands messaging my shoulders.

I freeze as he rubs my shoulders and relax as he presses deeper. That feels so good, my eyes start fluttering shut but snap wide open in realization, "I'm working! " I hiss as I notice the weird looks around me.

I shoo them out .

" Being kicked out of a restaurant, definitely my first." Ginger grumbles as she dusts the imaginary dirt off her shoulders," And to think I wanted to spend some time with my girlfriend. " She shoots me a dirty look, making me feel guilty.

Trina's was a new restaurant, hiring workers since the place was always crowded so I decided to apply but didn't tell anyone, mostly because they would decided to come and 'hang out ' and would take up all my time and as I result I would get fired and since the pay is good, I can't afford to lose it .

Besides I'm saving up for a new laptop since my old one conked out a few weeks back.

"I'll be free on Saturday, " I holler at the latina's angry retreating figure.

She turns and sticks out her tongue childishly before looping her arm in Reggie's and strolling into the nearest shop- Victoria's secret as something catches her eye.

Reggie must be in paradise now.

I notice Jug tower over me," Me too , huh?" He mutters sadly as I nod.

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