Chapter 26

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"What the hell?" he growls as he glares at me with his eyes narrowed to thin slits. I have never seen Jughead this angry. Actually I haven't ever seen him angry, period.

"Jug, I - " I start as I hold his arm to explain the sudden kiss.

" There isn't anything left to say is there? " he says with a bitter laugh as he slaps my hand away.

" There is, because I didn't know - "

" Do you kiss random guys all the time Betty? First you liked Archie, but then you suddenly kissed me and now it's Jason. I never thought you would stoop this low, " he mutters making me choke and  I feel my eyes brimming with tears.

" Y-you don't believe me? You think I kissed Jason? He is the one who kissed me! On the cheek! "

A tear falls as I feel my voice crack," And I didn't kiss you randomly - "

" I kissed you because I like you, "I whisper as I look into his widened eyes, before running away from him.

" What did you say?" he yells as he chases after me, I close my eyes and run faster. Faster than I have ever run before.

I stagger to  Ginger's room. I don't want to go to my room and face Jughead. I knock on her door, breathless.

She opens the door and I look into her widened green eyes before sobbing into her chest.

"Betty! What happened? " she strokes my hair to comfort me as I cry harder.

" It's Jug. " I wail as I hug her tighter.
I then hear an awkward cough nearby and look up.

" Uh- I think I should go , " I say as I notice  Reggie standing next to us, looking uneasy and uncomfortable. I must be scaring him with my messed up face.

" I didn't know you had company, I'll leave  now - "

" No way Hon, "she says as grabs my hand from the door," You need someone to talk to and I'm here . "

She looks at Reggie and he nods, understanding," I guess I'll leave you two alone then. "

Just before he leaves I croak out," Reggie, please - "

He looks at me with a smile," Don't worry. My lips are sealed. "

When he leaves the room, I look at her," So you and Reggie? "
I can't help but say it bitterly, feeling a bit jealous.

She starts blushing immediately," No, we are just friends now. "

I can't help but roll my eyes," A guy in a girl's room? I so believe you. "

" We didn't do anything! Besides he just came in because I invited him. "

" Ah ha! "I point my finger at her, catching her red handed. She lowers her eyes," I do like him but I don't know if he feels the same way. "

" You will never know unless you tell him , "I say as I feel my eyes well up again.

Now Jughead definitely thinks that I am a girl who throws herself at everyone and any one.

" I confessed to Jughead! " I wail at the sudden realization.

" You did? That's great! " Ginger squeals as she hugs me. I shake my head," It isn't. " And I tell her the whole story.

" I'm going to kick that son of a gun where it hurts, " she growls angrily.

" Can I sleep here for today? I don't want to be alone, " I sniff as I lie on the big bed. Her face softens and she nods,"  I'm always here for you. "

" Betty, get up. We're going snow boarding after breakfast! " she squeals sounding excited. Probably because she can flirt with Reggie more.

I groan as I pull the sheet over my head," I'm not coming. "

" You sure? But it'll be fun. "
" I'm sure, I don't want to see any one right now, " I mumble.

" Call me if you need anything okay? I'll see in the evening then, " she says before applying another layer of lipstick and grabbing her bag.

I sigh, now completely awake and go to the bathroom to wash my face. I look at my reflection in the mirror- my face puffy with red blotches here and there  and dark circles around my eyes.

Bottom line - I look like shit.

I grab my phone from my purse to see 10 missed calls from him and a list of messages.

Where are you?
We need to talk.
I'm sorry.
Are you in your room?
I'm outside.
I'm not leaving until  I talk to you.
I'm sorry Bets.
Really am.

I sigh as I read the messages with a heavy heart. I don't want to see him after that confession. Why did I have to blurt it out at such a bad time? So much for trying to think of the right moment to confess.

My stomach growls on cue and I look down at my rumpled dress with lipstick smudges on it. Can't go out looking like this.

I tip toe out with my room key in my hand. Though Ron owned the place, she couldn't give us rooms on the same floor. So my room was on the third floor while Ginger's was on the first. Hopefully he went back to his room. I don't want to bump into him like this.

" Actually, no one should see me like this, "I pray as I slowly walk up the stairs. As I reached my room I notice a figure leaning against my door. When  I walk closer , I freeze in shock when I realize that it's the person that I wanted to avoid so badly.

He looks at his phone and hits his forehead. I back away so that he won't notice, but he looks up immediately and stares at me.

"Wait Betty! "he says as I try to flee and grabs my hand.

" Leave me alone! "I fight back and avoid his gaze.

" Please Betty. I'm sorry. I took it too far, "he pleads as he looks into my eyes. My gaze softens as I stare into his charcoal eyes, slowly getting lost in them and then notice the bags under his eyes.

I snap back to reality, " No! I don't want to here any that you have to say. I thought you were my friend - "

" Yes! But - "

" I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore, " I scream and realize tears streaming down my face again.

He cups my face in his large hands and looks into my eyes," We were friends. I thought that's all you ever took me for, until yesterday - "

" I-I lied, "I stammer as I avert my gaze.

" Well I don't want to be friends with you anymore, " he says and I feel my heart drop.

" I want to be more than that, "he whispers into my ear before crashing his lips against mine.

Sorry for taking a long time to update!! I had loads of tests and my brother's wedding is this month! You guys can check out my other books if you want to. Thank you for all your support!

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