Chapter 6

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"So, prom is like in two weeks, so before that you have to seduce Archie." Jug states casually, making me almost spit out my chocolate milkshake in shock.


"You heard me, seduce him," Jug tells me again.

"You think I can?" I ask him doubtfully as I glance down at my loose tee and ripped jeans.

"Of course, you can! Just wear sexy clothes," he replies after taking a not so subtle glance at my outfit. I can almost hear him tsk in disapproval at my lack of sex appeal.

I narrow my eyes, "You think I'm wearing my grandma's clothes?"

He looks at me and widens his eyes in surprise, realising his little slip, "Uh, what I meant is-"

We are at Pops, supposedly doing our 'home work'.

His excuses are cut off by a chirpy voice, "Hey guys." I look up to see Reggie smiling back at me before he slips into the seat next to us and places an arm on the table. "What are you guys talking about?" He throws a cheesy grin with his perfectly aligned teeth on display.

"Nothing," we both say simultaneously, jerking our heads up from our untouched homework.

"Oh really?" His eyebrows wiggle in suspicion as he studies the two of us as we squirm in our seats uncomfortably.

We both nod our heads, "Just homework." I lie as I lift up my math text book for him to see.

"Oh." He looks at the book with disappointment laced in his tone.

He glances at his watch and then at the door and brightens as a curvy brunette walks in, "I'll see you guys later then, I have a date to flirt with." Reggie smugly declares before walking up to her and wrapping his arm around her waist.

"We have got to be careful," Jughead whispers. "If Reggie finds out, he will definitely try ruining our plan."

That would be horrible.

"Invite Arch bowling today," he continues as he polishes off his plate of food.

"Today?!" I exclaim, looking at him in shock.

"Yeah today, and make sure you wear something-" he stops to think of a word "-feminine."

I sit with a confused look on my face and fail to notice him swiftly snatching my phone. "Jug! What are you doing?" I whisper-yell, freaking out a bit as he continues to furiously type.

He hands me the phone back and mouths, "Ask him."

My jaw gapes open as I hear Archie's smooth voice, "Hello?"

"You are so dead!" I hiss at Jughead who looks very pleased with himself.

"Hello? Betty?" Archie continues as I pull Jug's ear, completely forgetting about him being on the line.

"Hello? Hi Archie! How are you?" I start blabbering about the nice weather and the daisies in my garden.


"Ask him now," Jug mouths to me as he slaps his head in irritation as I ask him about his science project.

I take a deep breath.

"So I was wondering if you would you like to go bowling today?" I rush through the question in nervousness and cross my fingers, silently praying for him to say yes.

"Oh, you can't? Maybe next time then." I feel my heart drop as I place my phone on the counter as I drop my head on the table.

"What happened?" Jug asks as he looks at me with curiosity.

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