Chapter 18

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"We should have dressed up a little bit more formally." I whisper in his ear, suddenly feeling self-conscious. .

The ladies around me are wearing cocktail dresses and men are crisply dressed in formals. The place is pretty romantic with a candle decorating the center of each table and lilacs strewn here and there.

I must look like an odd ball in this expensive place.

"You look pretty as you are." Jug states making me blush, and I sneak a glance at him just to see him just piling his plate with food. He just wants to eat, its not like he really meant it.

We are sitting at a table at one corner. I look at the ceiling which is decorated by a huge crystal chandelier before taking a fork full of shrimp jumbo which tastes like heaven.

I look at Jug who chomps two dishes at a time. Seems like I was worried over nothing. He doesn't mind sharing a room.

My phone vibrates and Archie's picture appears on the screen. I don't really want to talk to him, but I pick up the phone anyway.

"Hello ." I answer in the coldest and meanest voice that I can muster.

" Betty? " He softly says in that voice that I used to adore. Normally I would swoon over him, but now I'm not going to be swayed.

" What Archie? " I finally ask as the line goes silent . Jughead stops eating and looks up the moment I mention his name.

"Uh, I have two tickets to the 'Rolling Stone's concert' and I was wondering if you could go to it with me." He says. Normally I would scream 'yes' because I am a big fan of rolling stones but I prefer staying at home than going with him.

"Why didn't you ask your girlfriend? " I ask, annoyed that he has the nerve to ask me after he had hurt me badly.

" I did, but she is with her dad at the Blue mountain Springs ." His voice is brazen, which angers me even more.

" So I'm a just a substitute, aren't I? " I hiss angrily.

" No! What I meant is, Ronnie doesn't like roll-" I don't want to listen to anymore of his excuses so I cut him off.

"Archie? "Jughead asks me as he still chomps on some grilled chicken.

" Yeah, He invited me to a concert since Ron is in Blue mountain springs." I say as I roll my eyes in annoyance.

Jughead drops his chicken leg and looks at something behind me with his eyes bulging and mouth open.

"Where? " He sputters in disbelief as his forehead starts sweating.

" Blue mountain - " I start but stop as my eyes widen in realization.

" Wait... Here? " I squeak in shock. He slowly nods, still with his mouth full and points behind me.

I slowly look behind to see Ron in a killer purple cocktail dress with her father and mother beside her having lunch.

She looks bored to death.

" We should go, before they spot us " I mutter as I quickly get up and drag Jughead with me as we tip toe out quietly.

The exit is on the other side, so we have to cross them to leave.

" Betty? " I hear her her call unsurely and my heart almost stops for a moment.

Just then Jughead wraps his arm around my waist , " Keep walking and don't look back." He whispers as we saunter out.

"That can't be Betty dear, you must be seeing things. " I hear her mother tell her.

" That was a close call." He mutters as we reach the lobby. I glance at his arm still on my waist and he takes his hand off immediately. I secretly liked it but I can't tell him that. I wish his hand was still there.

" She didn't recognize us did she? ", I ask him, worriedly.

" I don't think so, she only saw our backs." Jug assures me, " But I didn't have any dessert! " He whines with a pout.

" You know that Ron will ask a million questions if she sees us here and she would think we are dating." I tell him.

" She might believe you if you tell her the reason." He replies as he rubs his chin, deep in thought, " You know what, lets just go back. I hear the chocolate truffle is to die for! " He pleads as he grips my arm tight, trying to steer me back.

" Forget it, I'll buy you some Ben and Jerry's when we reach home. Do you have any money with you?" I ask as I only have my phone and makeup in my purse.

He looks at me with a sheepish grin,"I left it at your house. "

" I'll call Ginger before we catch a cab." I say as I take out my phone and dial Ginger's number.
" Hello bunny." Her raspy voice greets me.

" Where are you? We are leaving now. " I say half hysterically, afraid to come face to face with the Lodges.

I hear a sigh on the other end.

"Why? You guys just had lunch, nothing spicy happened." She says, disappointed.

" Yes, but.. Wait, how did you know that? " I hear a cough at the other end and I narrow my eyes.

" You are here, aren't you? " I grimly say as I scan the lobby and spot a suspicious lady in a hat and scarf with a phone in her hand, sitting in the corner of the room with a newspaper on her lap, partly hiding her face.

" Ginger! " I scowl as I clutch the lady by her scarf.

" Eeeek! " She squeals as I remove the hat and sunglasses. She is so dead.

" You were spying on us? " Jughead looks at her in disbelief as I send her a glare.

Ginger looks at us horrified," I was merely observing-"

" I don't care anymore, because Veronica is here! " I cut her off and her eyes widen.

" Well, I guess this is one of their newest hotels .. " She muses making me choke.

Which hotel doesn't belong to her?

" It's fairly new." She continues.

" Let's get out if here! " I whisper as I hold their hands and try dragging them out.

" Wait! " Ginger hisses as she pulls me back," I left my purse in my room ."I look at her before face palming.

" You even rented a room for yourself? " I ask in disbelief.

She looks at me sheepishly." The spas are good." She weakly defends.

" Fine, I'll get your purse and you take him to where you parked your car." I say as I take her key card from her. She nods and drags Jughead with her.

I rush up the stairs to the room '309', the smart girl managed to get the one opposite to ours.

I grab her brown purse and rush down the stairs. Hopefully I don't run into Ron.

"I would like to return these cards ." I breathlessly say at the reception .

Lucky for me, Ginger has already paid for her room and the man nods his head and punches his computer.

I tap the table impatiently."Thank you ma'am. Please come again." He says with a pleasant smile as he hands me a card-'Complimentary mud facial'?
There's no way that can I afford anything here and I doubt I'll ever come again.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

I managed to avoid the Lodges and turn to walk out of the lobby, waltzing and brimming with confidence , only to bump into someone.

I fall down with a thud.

" Betty? " I look up to stare into the eyes of Reggie .

There goes my newfound confidence.

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