Chapter 23

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Jughead's Pov

I wake up, feeling better than yesterday since my head stopped feeling so heavy. As I get up, I feel a hand on my chest. Looking down I freeze.

She sleeps soundly with her head on my bed, looking as pretty as ever.

I gently place my hand over hers and the very contact gives me shivers as  tiny bolts of electricity rush through my spine. Her face glows as she snores soundly like a baby making me admire her for a while.

I avoided her and ignored her whenever she tried to approach me in school and yet she still came to take care of me.

My phone chooses to ring and the screen glows with the picture of my mom on it,"Juggie, how are you feeling? " My mom asks, sounding worried that she had left me all alone at home.

" I feel fine mom. I can take care of myself now." I convince her, trying to stop her from worrying too much.

Betty stirs beside me.

" We will be back before lunch tomorrow honey. I feel bad that you are all alone." She sadly adds as I glance at Betty who is now wide awake and yawning very loudly.

But I'm not alone.

" What's that noise? " She asks as Betty tries getting up but fails and finally ends up falling on me with a dull thud.

" Hot dog, mom. " Smoothly the lie flows out of my mouth as Betty locks her eyes with mine. Embarrassment is evident on her face as she tries to get off me with difficulty.

" Ohh, okay. Just take care. I love you." She says before disconnecting the call as I hold my breath since Betty's hands are all over my chest. It is a nice feeling though .

" How are you? " She finally clears her throat and asks as she avoids eye contact, quickly jumping out of bed and keeping a good distance from me.

" Better." I reply as she plays with her fingers. I kind of feel like I am missing something. Did I tell her something? I don't recall anything though.

" I'll make you some sandwiches." She suddenly declares and runs out of the room as fast as she can.

I slowly clamber out of bed, stretching as my muscles feel sore and stiff. I yawn as I stand and suddenly I feel something lick my feet.

" Where where you boy? " I rub Hotdog behind his ears as he barks and jumps on me. He must have been sleeping, we are similar.

I get my hat from the dresser, and when I look into the mirror I spot it- A lipstick mark on my neck.

I feel my cheeks flame up. When did this happen? I don't remember though as I trace my finger carefully over the pink stain. Her lips on my neck..

"Hey Hotdog!" I hear her cry making me twirl around in surprise and see her hugging him, stroking his fur happily .

Lucky him. I almost feel jealous because of the attention he gets as she keeps playing with him, rubbing his belly with joy. I look at the plate of sandwiches she placed on the bed and take a bite as she sits on the floor with Hotdog.

Cheese.. My favorite.

In a flash I polish the plate till the last crumb is gone. "You can't get enough of cheese, can you?" She looks over and asks with a giggle. 

"No ." I say as I watch her radiant smile and her cheeks red from laughter. I can't get enough of you as well.

" Shouldn't you be at Ron's party? " I look at the watch as it's pretty late, she should be having fun instead of being cooped up in here with me.

" I came here when I heard that you were at home." She softly says.

" I think you should go back now, it's getting pretty late. "

" Ginger called and said that she would pick me up soon." She replies before getting up and  walks towards my table and picks up a wrapped gift.

" Um - this is for you." She says nervously as she holds out the blue wrapped gift to me.

I shake the box, wondering if it's a cd. Normally she would give me one  each year since I love music and I enjoy collecting cds of my favorite bands.

Puzzled because of the muffled sound, I slowly but excitedly undo the ribbon and remove the wrapper, holding up a muffler in my hands with green and black stripes.

"You made this? " I ask dumbfounded as I admire it before wrapping it around my neck.

She nods and in a small voice asks ," Do you like it? "

" Of course I do." I say, touched by her kind gesture. She must have spent hours knitting it.

" Really? Then I'm glad ." Her face shines with happiness and it's takes me all of my willpower to not kiss her.

Does this mean that I'm special?
Is this an appropriate time to confess? I feel my confidence level boost as these thoughts run through my head, when I remember what she said.

"He will never be more than a friend! "

I look at her with a smile, but my chest pains. She is so close, yet she can't be mine.

" Jug-" She says as I dwell in my
own thoughts. "I want to tell you that I -"

"Betty!" She is rudely interrupted by the honking of a car, Ginger's to be exact. Sometimes her Latina friend is too feisty for me to handle.

" She came early. " Betty mumbles as she rushes to  gather her coat and bag but before she steps out of the door I grab her hand.

"Wait, You wanted to tell me something. "

She looks at me with a mixed expression on her face, a struggle in her mind, wondering whether to tell me or not.
" Take care." She finally says as I see her eyebrow twitch, indicating that it's a lie.

"I know when your lying," I say.

She looks at me in shock." It's nothing important." She looks up suddenly . I don't know why she looks so flustered.

" But - " I start only to feel her soft lips peck mine.

" Merry Christmas. " She whispers as she runs away and jumps into Gingers' car.

I place my fingers where her lips were a few seconds ago. " I am definitely hallucinating." I tell myself as I look up to see a mistletoe sway in the wind, dangling from the door.

Did they -?
I think they just did...
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