Chapter 38

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"Wait, he took you to a garden and prepared a picnic basket? Jughead??" Midge chokes in disbelief as I nod and bury my head into the pillows as the girls coo around me.

"Oh my gosh!That is sooo romantic" Nancy squeals as she tickles me playfully, "Chuck has never done anything like that, I'm so jealous!"She ruefully says and the rest of the girls nod in agreement.

"You know what, enough about me. Lets talk about someone else.. " I say, hoping that they stop teasing me.

"Lets talk about Cheryl's love life." I say and she throws me a horrified look.

'I'm going to kill you', she mouths before all heads turn towards her but Ginger smirks and shakes her head, "Honey, it's a sleepover in your honor, the attention is all on you."

She winks evilly and I smack her with a pillow, catching her off guard as she falls ungracefully off the bed.

I chuckle at her clumsiness, "Oh, Little Cooper, you are in so much trouble." She grits her teeth before flinging the pillow right back at me.

Luckily I'm blessed with quick reflexes so I duck and the fluffy thing hits Cheryl right in the middle of her face.

"Ginger." She looks at her with her eyes narrowed before hurling the pillow back with twice as much force. Ginger squeaks in surprise but it hits Ron's shoulder, making her cry out in pain.

"Pillow fight!" Nancy screams before grabbing a few pillows to throw.

                        *      *     *

"I'm handing out these forms, you have to write your future career plans and submit them by next week." Miss Grundy says making the rest of the class groan.

I glance down at the slip of paper and gulp.

Today is the first day of school after summer. We are going to graduate in fall.

A few more months to go and I still haven't decided what I want to do with my life, you see, I love writing but I also love baking and teaching.

Since I can't make up my mind, I've sent out various applications to various colleges since I have enough credit and SATs were pretty okay for me, hopefully I'll get a decent score.

Should I get so worried about this? Maybe the rest of the gang still hasn't decided what they are going to do as well. I won't be alone.

Or so I thought.

"You've already decided?" I whisper yell as I glance at Ron's form which is already neatly filled out in her loopy handwriting and placed on her desk.

"Yeah, I'm going to study business and open up my own boutique." She says as she smiles at Raj, "I'll be studying in Mumbai and Raj is planning to study film making there." She finishes as my mouth hangs open.

"M-mumbai?" I splutter as I stare at the lovey dovey couple in front of me.

She smiles, showing her perfectly white teeth, "Yeah. I thought about it for a while, it will be fun. I always wanted to visit another country and I love Indian food!" She grins as Raj kisses her cheek fondly.

"She's already started taking Hindi classes." Raj says.

"Oh." I say and fall back into my seat.

They've got it all planned out. They'll be taking the entrance exams next week, but knowing Ron and Raj, they are sure to get in.

After lunch I trudge to my locker to gather stuff for Biology lab.

"Hey," Jug says as he walks up to me and rests his hand on my waist, "I was looking for you everywhere." He looks at me with concern as I sigh tiredly.

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