Chapter 8

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He takes me to the beach.

"Why the beach?" I wonder aloud as Archie parks his car between two huge SUVs. I'm actually surprised that he even found a spot for parking, seeing the huge crowd of cars waiting in line for parking behind us, it's a miracle indeed.

"I thought you liked the beach." Archie looks at me confused as he scratches his ruffled orange hair. I force myself to not swoon at his cute pout. 

"Well, I usually do but it's crowded and hot today." I state looking at the numerous amount of umbrellas scattered on the beach. Where would we sit? "Besides, I haven't brought a swimsuit or my sunscreen."

He nods understandingly, "Sorry, I should have told you before. So, where do you want to go?" He asks as he glances at me.

Where could we go?

 "A movie. " I blurt.

"A movie?" He repeats, as he stares at me intently. 

"Yeah, it would be fun." I say slowly. I don't know why I said that because I just went on a movie date with Jughead yesterday.

"Okay, the movies it is then." He grins as he starts his car again and I can't help but wonder how he will treat me on this date.

Am I a stand-in for Veronica?


"Two tickets for scream." Archie pays at the counter .

I blink.

Did I hear wrong or did he just ask for tickets to a horror movie?
I hate horror movies! I stand frozen like a statue, unwilling to budge as he taps my shoulder.

"Come on Betty. " Archie says as he drags me to the snack counter where he buys two tubs of popcorn and coke, not even a third of what Jughead had yesterday.

Imagining him juggling his armful of food makes me smile.

"What's funny?" Archie snaps his finger and grins at my goofy smile.

"Nothing." I say, shaking my head and biting back a grin.

As we sit in our seats, I keep my eyes shut as the movie starts. The audio is scary enough with constant screaming and weird effects. I shift uncomfortably in my seat while Archie sits beside me happily munching his popcorn with his eyes glued to the screen. Just looking at his calm expression makes me feel irritated.

He should have asked me if I wanted to watch this movie.I'm sure he wouldn't treat Ron this way.

I guess he forgot how much I hate horror movies. Maybe he wants to hug me during the movie, but he hasn't made a move on me yet, so I decide to make the first one as I clench my teeth and close my eyes.

I slowly place my hand on his.

Just then his phone rings."Hey baby." He sings into the phone, his voice a notch higher than normal.

Ron, Ron, Ron

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Ron, Ron, Ron... she always has good timing.

The people sitting near us glare at him. "Um- Betty?" He says slowly turning to me.

"Yeah "

"I'll just go outside and take this call." He declares as he gets up.

"Don't leave me here!!" I scream internally, but no words come out of my mouth. I just nod my head and watch wordlessly as he rushes out without a second glance.

After closing my eyes for two minutes, I decide to take a peek at the screen and come face to face with a pair of eyes. "Ahhh!!" I scream in horror as I throw my coke in the air.

"Great." I hear a familiar voice sputter.

"Jug?" I come face to face with an irritated coke - faced Jughead.

"Oops." I giggle nervously as he grumbles, wiping the coke off his face with the tissue that I graciously offered him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him as he flops into Archie's seat.

"Spying on your date." He nonchalantly says, "and this is my punishment." He adds, pointing to his wet shirt .

"Hey, it's not my fault! Why did you place your face in front of mine like that?" I ask.

I stare at him as hard as I can. He looks at me a little embarrassed. "Never mind. " He mumbles quietly as he rubs the nape of his neck.

"So, how is your date going? So far so good?" He asks me quickly changing the topic. I sigh, but before I can reply, I hear someone clearing their throat.

"What are you doing here Jug?" Jughead and I both look up at Archie.

"Nothing, I just saw Betty here and wondered what she was doing here all alone." Jug says casually as he places his hands in his pockets.

Archie looks confused as Jug gets up and pats his shoulder, "She hates scary movies Arch, so next time be a gentleman and let her pick the movie." He whispers as he walks out the theater with swagger.

"You hate horror movies?" Archie asks in disbelief. I nod slowly, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" I look into his eyes which are filled with hurt. I don't answer him immediately-all sounds are blocked from my head. The only thing that runs in my mind is, how does Jughead know?

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