Chapter 7

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My date with Jughead was actually really nice.

We watched the movie in silence and since it was pretty good, both of us were so engrossed in it. Normally my dates would always try to fool around be physical but today I actually watched a whole movie with full attention, but deep down, I wish he had just held my hand or something.

What am I even thinking?

Jug is just a friend! A friend! I love Archie. He is the only one for me.

I decide to skip dinner because I am too full from all the junk food that he bought during the movie.

Jug cracked jokes in between and was imitating Tom Cruise, it was really funny. A few people in the theater shot daggers at us as we erupted in chuckles, waiting for us to just shut up but we didn't really care about what they thought.

"Bye Bets," he softly says as he walks me up to the front porch.

"Thanks Jug, I had a great time," I gratefully tell him as I stare into his charcoal irises.

"I had a great time too." He tips his hat. This is normally the part where the guy kisses the girl on her front porch, but instead Jug pats my shoulder. "Ummm, so I'll see you at school," he awkwardly mutters before walking back to his car.

"Wait!" I blurt, unable to hide my disappointment. He stops and looks at me, puzzled. "We have to meet up tomorrow. You have to plan with me, remember?" I blabber weakly, cracking a small smile.

He smiles back but somehow his expression looks pained. "Sure,
Pops?" he asks.

"No, I'll text you the place." Because I want to have a change of ambience, maybe it'll help us think better as well. He gives me a curt nod before jumping into his car. I lean against the door as I watch his retreating figure as he drives away and mentally slap myself. What was I excepting? A kiss?

Something is definitely wrong with me.

I step inside the house to face my parents. "So-not Archie?" Mom hesitantly asks as she clears her throat and averts her eyes shamefully because she knows that I caught her peeping from the windows.

"What's wrong with Jug?" I exclaim, getting a bit defensive.

"Nothing," Both of them quickly reply as they shake their heads as they look to me.

" We are happy for you sweetie," my mom starts. "But we thought you liked - "

"I feel tired, I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I interrupt her and pretend to yawn. Before they can say anything else I rush upstairs to my bedroom.

I hear my dad's voice, "In a way, it's good that she is forgetting Archie. She was obsessed with him for too long."

"But I can't just can't believe that it's Jughead either, I thought the boy was gay!" My mom exclaims in disbelief. I flop on my bed and stare at the ceiling for a while, thinking about the great time that I had today and don't realize when I had drifted off to sleep.

* * *

I wake up in the morning with a jolt and grab my clock. My eyes fly open - it's 10 already! I overslept.

As I quickly brush my teeth, I get a call, the caller ID says Jug. "Mmmm?" I manage to say with my mouth full of paste.

"I have great news!" Jug exclaims, sounding excited.


"I'm almost near your place, so get ready and wear something nice," He interrupts me and hurriedly says before cutting me off.

I run to the sink and quickly finish brushing my teeth in front of the mirror, and that's when I stare at my hair in horror. It looks like a bloody pineapple- sticking up oddly in different directions. "This will take a while... " I mutter to myself as I pick up my hair brush before I tackle my tangled mane.

After ten minutes of struggling, I finally manage to keep my hair in check and quickly pull it into a ponytail. "Now clothes," I mumble to myself as I look down to see that I'm still in the clothes that I had worn yesterday.

I glance at my phone which vibrates after receiving a text.

I'm outside

Throw my clothes on my bed as I dig through my closet and finally settle on a sleeveless blue dress with a silver belt. I slip into a pair of silver ballet flats as run downstairs. My mom made toast and scrambled eggs and I gobble it down as quickly as I can. "What's the big hurry?" My dad asks me curiously, with his eyebrow raised as he looks up from his plate of bacon.

"Meeting Jug," I reply as I gulp down the last chunk of egg. "Gotta run." I wave as I run out the door.

I huff as I see him pacing outside. "Hi Jug," I gasp as I catch my breath. He snaps his neck and states at me and starts walking around me, studying me up and down. "Uhh, Jug?" I shuffle in discomfort.

"Did you put on perfume?" he suddenly asks me, sniffing the air around m.

"No, why?" I was in a hurry so I didn't bother much.

"No worries, I've brought some in case of emergencies." He waves his hand around as he sprays some into my mouth accidentally.

"Phtu - " I cough as I spit the horrid stuff out.

"Why are you carrying perfume?" I shout, gagging because of the bad aftertaste it left.

"This is one of the perfumes that Ron usually wears," Jug declares still continuing to spray it here and there. "She won't know it's missing from her locker," he subtly adds.

"Why are you spraying it on me? Wait, you stole that from Ron!" My eyes widen in horror.

"Archie is coming to pick you up." He says before adding, "It's not stealing, it's called borrowing."

"What? Why?" I ask dumbly, as my heart starts beating faster.

"You have a date with him," he proudly states.

"How -"

"Thank me later. It's a good thing you look good too," he adds softly as he averts his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, it's not like he is going to even ask me to the prom, I don't want my hopes up."

"Actually, the good news is that he might."

"What!!" I look into his eyes to see if he is lying, but before Jug can say anything else, I hear the roar of an engine and turn to see Archie grinning at me.

"Hi Betty, ready for our date?" he asks me. His hair is brushed back and the very sight of his freckles make my knees buckle in response. I nod mutely and step into the car, blushing. "Lets go." He gives me his vicious dimpled smile, sending me to paradise and back.

I look back to say bye to Jug, but he isn't there anymore.

Where did he go?

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