Special Bonus Chapter

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"Jug, you've got to just taste this!" Dilton yells as he slams the door wide open. The noise is so sudden and ear deafening that it makes me fall out of my chair in shock throwing a few papers and documents on the floor as I hit the ground.

The mad scientist throws a vial of murky green coloured liquid on the table in front of me. "What is this? Radioactive sewage?" I ask him with disgust. He frowns before switching the lights off and the liquid starts shining brightly, resembling a bright green lava lamp.

After I pursued a degree in gastronomy and married Betty, Mr. Lodge offered me a job in his company as the General manager of the Lodge Chocolate factory which he newly set up and sometimes Dilton would drop by on weekends to see if the recipes could be modified by adding a 'wow' factor to them.

As a result of our efforts, the Rocket Poppers and Chocolate gummies were made and are a craze in the markets right now.

"Dilly," I start as I loosen my tie and lean forward to look at the glass in front of me, "what the heck is this?"

He stands up straight and adjusts his glasses after switching the lights back on, "This is radio luminescent chocolate milk which freezes when placed in the mouth and glows in the dark. I call it 'Radiochoc'!" He beams proudly at his creation. That must be the lamest name that I've ever heard.

"Why don't you try it?" He suggests and pushes it closer to me.

I take the vial and sniff it. The smell of rotten eggs is so strong that I nearly hurl it at his head. "This is, the reason why Cheryl should break up with you, even a fool wouldn't try this!" I cough and push the beaker back into his hand, "I'm really busy now Dilly, I need to finish this paperwork so I can go home early."

"Hey, my fiancé is lucky she's got a smart, handsome man like me." He huffs, clearly offended by my casual remark.

I ruffle his already messed up hair, "And short. Don't forget short." I add with a chuckle.


"She's lucky she's got a smart, handsome, short man for herself." I tease making him groan and slap his head.

"Actually, I've got to run too. I'm having dinner with her parents today at 6." He says looking at his wristwatch worriedly and gulping.

"Relax, who wouldn't love a genius for a son in law?"

He shrugs, " Um.. I don't know, Millionaires? Besides I'm not a people person, and an hour-long dinner with two of the scariest people in Pembroke isn't going to be a cake walk."

"But you are a Cheryl person and wouldn't Jason be there too? He could help you out. You have nothing to worry about." I point out as I stoop down to pick up the scattered documents.

"Yeah, there is nothing to worry about." He mumbles, not sounding very convinced. His phone rings at that very moment making him jump. "I should go, she's waiting for me. Merry Christmas Jug!" He stutters before rushing out the door in haste.

"Merry Christmas." I say to the air and sit back in my seat to finish going through the documents.

I lock up and start the car. Betty would be home by now. For the past week, I feel Betty's keeping something from me. Two days back I walked in on a conversation she was having on the phone, "I don't know how to tell him-" She stopped immediately when she saw me and gave me an uneasy smile.

I really don't know why she is acting so strangely. We didn't fight recently and I don't think she has any trouble with her job.

I fish out the key to our apartment and let myself in. "Honey!" I hear her gasp as I drop my bag down and swoop her up in my arms, making her giggle as I kiss her floured nose.

"You came in time for my apple pie!" She laughs and I glance at the baked delicacy on the dining table.

"Apple pie can wait." I wink before leaning in to kiss her again.

* * *

"How was work at the hospital?" I ask her as I finish off the crumbs of the pie and she looks up from her cup of cocoa.

"It was good, busy, but good." She says with a smile stirring her milk tiredly. My wife is a Doctor at the Riverdale Children's Hospital and I can proudly say that she is one of the very best in town.

"Ginger is coming back to town." She says and leans in, "will Reggie be okay?"

I look thoughtful for a minute, "He will be busy with his matches, playing for the Bulls is keeping him busy."

Who am I kidding? He'll probably drink and brawl again. It's so obvious that he is still in love with her even though he tries hiding it. Tough Reggie is a busy basketball player, surrounded by pretty cheerleaders in short skirts, I know he still can't forget that red headed Latina that stole his heart.

"Okay, so we'll have to pick Ginger up from the airport tomorrow." She says, and I pout.

"Why? Do we have to? That scary woman can take care of herself," I whine and I bury my nose into her shoulders as she chuckles.

"Don't say that, she's a famous designer and she'll be mobbed if we don't go pick her up. If her best friend doesn't pick her up, then who would?"

"Fine! I'll do it for you."

"I love you," She hums as she pinches my cheek lovingly.

"I'll never get tired of hearing that." I chuckle and pull a wrapped present from under the sofa and hand it to her, "Merry Christmas."

We've made it a tradition to exchange gifts on Christmas Eve..

Her eyes sparkle as she undoes the pretty pink bow and lifts up the lid of the box, "What-" She gasps as she pulls out the laced knee length velvet dress and holds against her chest.

"You got me the dress from Ralph Lauren? But this is expensive!" She mutters in shock as she looks at black dress in wonder.

"I saw you eyeing it at the mall a few days back, plus I got it on a discount." I tell her as she hugs me tightly.

"Thank you Jug, but I'm afraid I won't be able to fit into it after a while." She lowers her eyes and stares at the floor.

"Why? What happened? Isn't this your size?" I ask her, puzzled.

"It is," she says, "but I'm going to bloat up."

I stare at her, clueless and worried. What does she mean by that? Is she going to stop going to the gym? She feels sick?

Looking at my face she giggles. She rubs her belly before looking at me, "because I'm pregnant." Betty beams and I look at her with my mouth wide open, "Darling, you're going to be a father."

"Was this what you were keeping from me for a week? W-why?"

She blushes, "I skipped my period a couple of weeks back so Ron told me to take a pregnancy test and it turned out positive." Betty twists her dress nervously, "I didn't know how you'd react. Are you mad?"

My eyes water slightly and I feel my voice crack, "Are you kidding? This is the best present I could ever have! I love you." I kiss her now flat belly softly before leaning in to whisper, "I can't wait to be a dad."

She squeezes my hand as we cuddle on the sofa, "I can't wait either."

"I have a strong feeling it's going to be twins."


Happy new year everyone! I decided to do a small bonus chapter since it is new year :) Right now I'm working on two other books, check them out if you can. Hopefully I can try doing another fanfic after that!

Hope to see y'all soon

-love Suzanne

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