Chapter 28

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"Betty Cooper, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks cutely as he holds the flowers out to me, still kneeling on the floor. His steadfast gaze on me almost makes me melt like chocolate.

My hand fly to my mouth as I'm utterly speechless . Roses? How did he know ?

"Say yes! "

" Go out with him! "

" He is kneeling! "

The crowd chants behind me.

I blush as I take the flowers from him." Yes "I scream as tears prick the corners of my eyes . This is the first time a guy actually confessed to me with flowers.

" Really? She said yes! "He cries out in disbelief and suddenly lifts me off the ground making me squeal in delight .

I see Ginger standing in the crowd giving me a thumbs before Jughead places his lips on mine.

I smile against his lips.

" That girl made sure to tell him, didn't she? "

And boy, his kisses as getting better and better every time .

When we walk into the cafeteria together, the whole room falls quiet and I feel a lot of eyes on us as we walk to our table.

"Here comes the new couple! "Reggie coos as we sit down with our food.

" Shut up Reggie, "Jug throws a bit of Miss Beezely's special at him.

Someone's being wasteful.

" We can go on double dates now! "claps Ron, excited at the idea. I look at Archie sitting beside her, looking dreadfully quiet .

" Have you guys hugged yet? "Midge asks as she leans forward, suddenly curious about our budding romance.

" Hugged? These two have even kissed! You should have seen them going at it in the corridors today! "chuckles Nancy. Oh that girl and her big mouth.

Everyone stares at us with their eyes popped out of their soclets before they start making a racket.

" No fair! We had a test in Biology so we couldn't see! "whines Midge and Ron looking very disappointed .

" Why don't you two have a redo here? "suggests Ginger cheekily, with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

" Yes! "the gang agrees, excited.

" We want to see how good of a kisser the 'girl hater' is! "

" No! "we both scream in chorus.

" And for your information, he is a really good kisser! "I yell.

I regret my outburst when the whole gang looks at me with goo goo eyes.

I shoot a glare at Ginger. When I get my hands in her she is so dead.

" I'm so honored that you think that way, "Jug whispers in my ear, pretty pleased to be praised like that. My cheeks redden.

" Who knew that Jughead could be like Romeo, so romantic with those red roses, "Reggie taunts him, making him jump out of the chair and start chasing him.

" I always thought he wasn't into girls, "Ron muses as she looks at the two run," Because he acts pretty cold to us sometimes. "

" Actually, Jughead is the sweetest guy I have ever known, "I defend him like how a faithful girlfriend should," He has always been there for me. "I add as I look at Archie before saying this. He looks at the ground wordlessly as he balls his fists.

I moved on Archie I ✔Where stories live. Discover now