Chapter 11

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"How could he do this to me!" I hoarsely cry out with tears streaming down my face.

I look into the mirror and see the two hours of makeup and hair which had been carefully done, all distorted and messed up.

My eyes are red and puffy, and my mascara is like streaks down my face making me look even more hideous- so much for all that hard work.

"Don't cry," Jug soothingly says as he gently massages my shoulders.

Flash back- 5 hours before

"What do I do!!" I scream as I run around my room like a headless chicken.

"Get ready," Jug dryly comments as he sits on my bed munching on a bag of chips, watching my fully blown panic attack like some Tv show.

I snatch the chips from him. "Hey! Give me back my chips." He whines, trying to grab it back.

"Not until you help me with my accessories." I say, waving the packet out of his reach.

"Fine." He says as he crosses his arms and pouts.

Ten minutes later, I place all my accessories in front of him. He rubs his chin thoughtfully before picking out a small silver chain with a crystal pendant. "Wear this with minimal makeup." He advises, placing the chain in my hand.

I glance at the clock and realize that it's already 3. "I have 2 hours to get ready!" I scream in horror as I run into the bathroom to change.

"I'll meet you at school then." Jug says as he gets up.

"Bye!" I scream over the running water as I hear the door slam.

After a fifteen-minute shower, I try on my dress, which is a perfect fit. For my hair - I do a french braid and start applying my concealer. I use a dab of blush and some maroon lipstick, drawing my eyes so that they pop and apply some mascara on top.

I look at the clock- 4.40.

"Honey?" My mom calls from downstairs.

"Yeah mom?" I reply as I quickly put on my necklace. I hear a loud gasp and turn around to see my mother staring at me, wide-eyed.

"You look lovely." She murmurs as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"Thanks mom, and please don't do anything embarrassing in front of Archie, okay?" I beg.

"Don't worry, I'll be ready with my camera." She coos, throwing me a wink before stepping out.

She doesn't listen to me, does she?

I study myself in the mirror. My dress is ice blue with a boat lined neck and an empire waist with sleeves that reach my elbows. I put in some flowers as accessories in my hair and grab my silver clutch from the table.

As I put on my sliver stilettos, I hear the bell ring. My heart starts beating fast when I hear my mom yell, "Hi Archie, Oh my! You look very handsome."

I start walking down the stairs with a shaky breath. I hope I look nice. Archie's back is facing me as he busily talks to my mother.

He doesn't notice me till my mom starts beaming at me. He notices her grin and turns around, meeting my gaze. He looks stunned for a minute as my mother takes a quick snap of me. "Let me take a picture of the two of you." She fusses as we stand next to each other awkwardly.

After a few pictures, Archie slowly relaxes and puts his hand around my waist and starts grinning at the camera.

"Mom, enough." I beg with my cheeks flaring at the touch of his hand which rests on my hip.

"Bye Ma'am, I'll bring her back by 1." He says with a bow before as I push him out the door.

As we step into the car, Archie leans in, "You look beautiful."

I can't wipe the grin off my face until we reach school. As we enter the school gymnasium, we walk hand in hand.

"Hi!" Ginger screams as she comes over with her date, as soon as she spots us. "You look hot." She comments, making me blush with pleasure. I glance at Archie and see him looking elsewhere.

"Archie?" I gently tap his shoulder for his attention.

"Huh? Oh, sorry Bets." He apologizes as he scratches his neck, feeling a bit embarrassed.

I grab his arm and lead him to the dance floor, where the rest of the gang is already bringing out their signature moves. "That's okay. Lets dance." I say with a wink.

"I'm a bad dancer Betty." He replies with a laugh.

"You can cover it up with your hotness." I flirt. He does look hot, in a black suit with a black tie.

"I guess one dance won't cause any harm."

A few dances later, I'm feel tired and I sway with my head resting on his shoulder. I see Ethel as well, with a date which is surprising, because I thought that she was in love with Jug.

A handsome blonde whose eyes hold some much adoration for her. I watch the two of them slow dancing looking completely immersed in a conversation. Anyway, it's a good thing that she has moved on.

"I'll grab us some punch." Archie mutters distractedly and I nod. I haven't seen Jughead and Veronica at all. Did they both come?

Just then I spot Jug by the buffet table with a plate full of food. I wave as he walks towards me." Hi." He says as he takes a bite of his burger.


"You look beautiful." He nods his head in approval, eyeing me as I blush.

"You look handsome as well." I gush as I admire his choice of clothing- a simple black suit with a black bowtie, his hair styled messily.

"I clean up pretty good." He replies with a shrug.

"Ethel brought a date." I say, looking over at the couple.

He nods, "I introduced him to her. I finally got her off my back."

"Jug!!" I tut as he looks at me innocently.

"He liked her and I didn't, so I decided to play Cupid." He gloats as he adjusts his bow tie.

I shake my head. "Have you ever liked anyone? "

Jug opens his mouth to retort, "Hey Jug." Archie interrupts him as he arrives with two glasses, he hands me one as he gives me a signature smile of his that makes the butterflies in my tummy go crazy, but his smile soon disappears as he narrows his eyes and frowns.

I follow his line of vision and spot a herd of guys huddled to one corner with Veronica is in the center, wearing a tight black mini dress which displays her beautiful curves and her arms are sultrily draped over the broad shoulders of two guys.

What happened to her date?

Archie storms his way through the crowd and throws his coat over her shoulders before grabbing her wrist and dragging her away.

"You're coming with me." He growls.

"Let go of me!" She hisses, trying to fight back as they walk out.

Leaving me standing alone with my cup of punch, gaping.

It was always Veronica, and that will never change.

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