Chapter 30

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Jughead's Pov:

For nearly a month Archie hadn't spoken much to anyone and kept to himself . I thought he was aloof because of some problems with Veronica but after spotting her arm wrapped around his waist and the cold glares that he kept firing at me, I realised who he had a problem with-me.

Since Archie is my best friend I decide to confront him. Besides, I know I haven't done anything to hurt him, on purpose at least and besides, I miss his company.

"Jug, where are you going?"Betty asks me, curiously as I had packed my bag in a hurry. She spotted me quickly heading out of class towards the gym in hope of catching him.

"Gym."I stop to reply and look over my shoulder to see her shocked expression.She knows that I hate the gym and avoid stepping into it whenever I can.

"I need to talk to Archie. "I add and she nods understandingly.

She hasn't talked to Archie as well, but I can't blame her. She has every right to ignore him after the amount of pain he put her through.

My pace quickens as I remember how he had avoided me like a plague in class today.

She falls into step with me, balancing her files in her hands."Okay,I hope you guys make up. I'll meet you after I finish my paper. "She waves before she walks towards the club room.

Betty is part of the Riverdale high newsletter and they need to finish off their articles for submission today and since she is the co-editor,she needs to supervise the draft before they publish it.

I wave back before heading towards the gym.As I walk in, my eyes roam to the deserted court and see Archie already practicing layups.

Since he is here early, the court is pretty empty and Coach Clayton hasn't arrived yet. Coach is Chuck's father and a famous retired NBA player.

Good, if coach is here, he would bark orders at everyone and force them to do sit ups and push ups and chase me away .He is a monster when it comes to practice. Even his own son fears him on court.

I shudder at the thought of any physical activity that would strain my body.

If it were any other day I would gladly run for the hills than stand in this room for even another minute but now I need to know what Archie's problem is and if Archie doesn't want to talk to me, I will force him to.

"Hey Arch."I stand between him and the ring, making sure that I block him from shooting any further,getting his full attention .

" He has to talk to me now."I say to myself but instead he ignores me and moves to the left ,shooting a clean shot into the basket in the process.

I recover quickly and take a rebound.I dribble the ball before looking at him, "Why are you avoiding me these days? "His gaze hardens as he avoids eye contact, his focus clearly only on the ball.

"It nothing."He murmurs lowly as he tries to grab the ball from me. I dodge him and shoot ,the ball cleanly goes in.

When we were in middle school I always used to practice with Archie into the backyard of his house. Since I used to hang out with Arch at his place, he would always drag me to his court to practice his shots instead of lazing around and playing video games.

I always grumbled that we had to run a lot but I secretly enjoyed it-it was exhilarating and fun.


After Valentine's day -

"So, how was Valentine's day? "I ask him knowing that Betty had given him a rose . I grip the ball tightly before I shoot recalling her flushed cheeks and her eyes full of adoration for him.

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