Chapter 35

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Two months , one week and three days- that's how long it had taken for Ron to finally act like herself and talk to Archie normally after the break up instead of moping around glumly.

It is also the amount of time she spent with Raj.

Much to Miss Grundy's displeasure, Raj insisted on having Ron help him with his schoolwork, and had convinced her that he was most comfortable with Miss.Lodge and though she doesn't look like it, she does get pretty decent grades so Miss Grundy couldn't say no to his request.

And a shocker as it may be, she eventually agreed to help him. In fact, I think after a point of time , she secretly enjoyed it.

They would stay back after class and at times we would catch them sitting in Pop Tate's discussing math problems over a soda.Any outsider would mistaken them for a couple.

"We are just friends. " She casually denies when Nancy finally pops up the 'are you guys dating?' question when we change into our gym clothes in the locker room, but I don't fail to notice the hint of redness creeping up her face.

There is definitely something going on.

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" The results came in." Raj states at the lunch table.

Jug grabs the opportunity to steal a bite of my ham sandwich as my attention is focused on Raj. I swat him away from stealing another chunk. He might be my boyfriend, but he isn't getting anymore of my lunch.

"The photography contest?" I ask as I take a bite out of my half eaten sandwich.

He nods before holding his phone up," I came in second." We all congratulate him as he sits down with his tray of rice and curry beside Ron.

" Now at least can we see the photo that you submitted?" Ginger requests, momentarily taking a break from the task of feeding Reggie, who by the looks of it, enjoys being pampered by her.

Jug turns to me," Why can't you do that too?" He grumbles as I smack his chest playfully. PDA is still something that I'm still shy to do in school.

"I want to see it too." Ron slowly says, looking from her plate of food at him with a pretty smile on her face.

Suddenly she has started eating a lot of Indian food, a few months ago she wouldn't even look at rice but now she practically lives on it.

And it's not just the food, these days she acts more down to earth and humble. It may sound shocking to hear but she even started wearing more conservative and cute clothes to school instead of her usual short and slutty ones.

I wonder who's the cause for all that .

"Well-" he starts and looks a little embarrassed as we all stare at him curiously.

I remember him once telling me that he wanted to take a picture of Ron for the contest but he never had the opportunity to and when we kept asking him to show us his entry for the competition, he would make up an excuse and either say 'later' or 'my camera is at home'.

"I'll have a look." Chuck says, swiftly grabbing Raj's phone from him, taking him by surprise and stares at the picture for a minute before giving out a low whistle.

Dilton peers into the screen,"That's Veronica. " He states the obvious as he cleans his glasses before squinting and studying the picture again,"Yup, that's her."

Archie looks up from his phone as everyone coos and starts crowding around Chuck who still has his eyes glued to the phone. Archie apologized to Jug after everything and they've started hanging out together like how they used to.

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