Chapter 10

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"- And he kissed me!" I sigh dreamily to Jug as we sit for Biology class.

"That's great Bets!" He whispers after recovering from a mild shock, clasping my hands in his tightly.

"And he even asked me to the dance!" I exclaim, studying Jughead's reaction. I think I just saw a flash of hurt in his eyes, maybe it's a hallucination because now he genuinely looks happy for me.

"The dance is in a few days! Did you buy your dress yet?" He asks.

Uh - oh.

"Ummm..." I utter as I bite my lip.

"YOU HAVEN'T!!?" He yells in disbelief as he stands up, but Jug didn't realize that we were in the middle of class.

"Detention for you, Mr. Jones." Our biology teacher says as she hands him a pink slip, irritated to have her class interrupted.

* * *

"Bye Jug." I tease him as I take my books out of the locker. Class ended ten minutes ago and now I am going to look for the perfect gown for the dance.

Jug groans beside me. "Don't leave me here!!" He whines as he tugs my sleeve with a pout.

"I'm sorry." I shrug my shoulders feeling bad for him, it's partly my fault, "There's nothing that I can do."

"Going now?"

"Yup, I have to find the perfect dress and besides, Ginger is helping me!" Ginger is a friend of ours. She is studying fashion online and aims to be a designer in the future.

"Fair enough, you forget me after replacing me with someone better." Burying his face in his hands, he cries out dramatically.

"Oh please! You are irreplaceable. We are best friends, aren't we?" I hit his back playfully before taking out my purse.

"If only you knew... " He says in almost a whisper.

"What- "

I turn to ask him what he meant but only to be cut off by Ginger's happy yell, "Betty!!!!"

"Ready?" She asks with a grin as she slips her arm into mine. I smile and nod. "Great! Now lets go buy some dresses!" Saying that she proceeds to drag me out the door.

"Bye Jug." I say, he waves back with a sad face before going back to class with a sigh, not looking forward to detention.

* * *

"I look like a puffer fish!" I cry as I try on what seems like the 20th dress.

"Um, maybe the 21st one will be it!" Ginger tries being optimistic as she winces at the sight of the tight and puffy grey gown that I model before her. I sigh and plop on the stool, exhausted.

Just then I see flash of blue.

Ginger and I gasp at the dress a customer is holding- an ice blue dress with a boat lined neckline and an empire waist. It looks beautiful.

"You have to try that!" Ginger gasps.

Saying that, she runs towards the girl. "Excuse me, are you trying that dress on?" Ginger asks her with her trademark dazzling smile.

"Yeah, it's to wear for my best friend's wedding. Why?" She slowly replies, narrowing her eyes in suspicion as she holds the dress tighter to her chest.

The girl is a brunette with a short bob. She looks about 24, and with her leather jacket and combat boots she looks so badass with a tattoo on her neck and a body to die for, and she looks like she isn't going to let go of that dress anytime soon.

"I am an aspiring designer and a worker here, perhaps I can show you a dress which can really look amazing on you!" Ginger tells her with confidence, "Wait here."

The girl simply nods her head and Ginger comes running back to me as I peer out cautiously watching them.

"Take.. that... off...." She pants as she points at the hideous dress on me.

"Huh?" I stare at her blankly in confusion, till she starts unzipping the dress by herself.

"Wait!!! I'll do it!" I cry, embarrassed as I push her out of the changing room.

I take off the ugly thing and hand it to her and she takes off in an instant. "Here." She gasps, completely out of breath as she hands me the beautiful gown after a few seconds.

I quickly slip into it and stagger back in surprise. The dress clings onto me like second skin. I look into the mirror and gasp, it looks amazing! The shimmery icy blue dress goes well with my eyes and the fit is perfect. I step out of the changing room to show Ginger.

Her eyes go wide and she starts squealing as I do a little twirl. "It looks amazing!" She squeals as she admires the dress. "It's so classy and hot at the same time. You look like an ice princess." Her eyes gleam in delight.

"Thanks." I find myself blushing.

I don't know how she got the dress from that girl though.

Suddenly I hear another squeal and that same girl steps out. She is wearing the hideous dress that I was wearing just a few minutes back, but it looks amazing on her, defining her curves and bringing out her hazelnut hair.

"Thank you." She gratefully says as she grabs Ginger's hand tightly.

"Anytime." Ginger replies with a wink, looking a bit pleased with herself.

We go to the counter to pay for the dress-250 dollars, but now 200 on a discount, pricey, but I'm willing to spend it on this amazing dress. After that we hang out at the mall for an hour eating pretzels and window shopping.

Ginger buys some perfume and she forces me to get some makeup from Mac. "This is your color!" She exclaims as she applies some red lipstick on my lips.

"Is it?" I wonder as I look into the mirror.

"Buy it." She gives me a thumbs up so I give in and buy it and look into my now empty purse. I'm broke, time for some babysitting and part time jobs.

Around 4 hours later, we decide to finally head home. " Lets go home," I beg the hyper looking Ginger who is still busily rummaging through a rack of clothes.

"Aww...." She whines with a cute pout as she looks into my eyes. I don't know where she even gets her energy from. Anyway, looking at my face she decides to stop. Does my face look that exhausted? I have bags under my eyes, don't I? I so need to go to the beauty parlour! I need to book an appointment soon.

We carry the shopping bags to the car park with difficulty, it's so heavy. When did we buy this much? Two bags are mine and the rest are Ginger's. She and Ron are shopaholics. If Ron was here, we would still be stuck at the mall.

I smile sadly, Ron and I always shop together for dresses. She didn't want to come this time, she must have felt bad that Archie was taking me instead of her.

Did he ask me just because they broke up? I feel uneasy now. I don't want to be the rebound- a substitute for Ron.

I just have to make him fall for me.

"Betty!" Ginger coos as she waves her hands around my face to grab my

"Huh?" I mumble as I snap out of my thoughts.

"We've reached your place." She says pointing to the white washed house that I have been living in for 17 years. "Ooh, dreaming about Archie?" she teases me by poking my ribs.

"As if." I deny with a laugh.

"Don't worry, I bet Archie won't be able to take his eyes off of you when he sees you in that dress." Ginger assures me with a wink.

I blush as she honks and drives out of my driveway.

I watch her bright red car slowly disappear from my sight.

I hope so too.

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