Chapter 27

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Against his lips I sigh and tip my head to a side for him to deepen the kiss. His hands grip my waist tightly as mine play with his soft locks.

This isn't my first kiss, but it certainly feels like it with all the butterflies in my stomach in a disarray and my heart beating erratically.

He pulls away and looks at me intensely as we both breathe heavily.

"That was - "he gasps with his forehead on mine.

" Amazing, "I complete as I pull him closer to me by the collar to claim his lips again.

Hungry for more.

Since the others didn't come back yet, we decided to have lunch together.

" When did you start liking me? " I blurt out in between bites of food. He drops his fork in shock and immediately starts blushing.

" For as long as I can remember, "he mumbles as he scratches his neck, avoiding my eyes. I feel myself turn red. He liked me? Since a long time ago? Why didn't I notice?

" I like you too, " I whisper as I place my hand over his, smiling.

" Hey, " I turn to see Ron and Archie behind me. Archie has his arms around her and she looks very happy, but he on the other hand looks troubled. He glares at the two of us as Ron asks,"Where were you both? We were having so much fun."

"I wasn't feeling too well, so I stayed in bed, " I lied.

" Oh, are you better now? "she looks at me with concern. I nod.

" Where are the others? " Jughead asks.

" They'll be coming back soon. Ron was feeling a bit tired and so I thought we could have lunch to make her feel better, " Archie says," But why didn't you come? " He looks at Jug with his eyebrow raised.

" I was taking care of Betty, "he says as he places an arm around my waist, sending jolts of electricity through my spine.

" Oh, "Archie mumbles as he glares at his arm around my waist and clenches his jaw.

" You guys come sit with us, "I motion to the empty seats.

" Okay,"Ron says happily as she pulls out a chair, but Archie holds her arm.

"It's fine, we already reserved seats near the balcony, " Archie interrupts.
" But - "Ron says, but before she can say anything else, he drags her away without giving us another glance .

We look at each other puzzled by Archie's grumpy behavior. I wonder what got him so worked up?

" Wait, what did you say? He kissed you?! " Ginger splutters as we sit on my bed doing our history homework.

" Yes, "I say sheepishly, feeling a little guilty because I didn't tell her before. She narrows her eyes and points her finger at me accusingly.

"  Jughead? You're saying that he kissed you? " she repeats in disbelief.

" Yeah,  and for the record he is an amazing kisser, " I sigh as I imagine the kiss again.

Her eyes pop out," Unbelievable - "

" Why? " I ask.

" Cause one minute you cry saying he hurt you and the next minute you say that he kissed you. What's the weirdest part is that  Jughead 'the girl hater'  kissed you. I always knew he had a thing for you, but I never thought he was this brave - "

" Wait, you knew that he liked me? " I look at her in shock.

" Yeah, I guessed it. You should see the way he looks at you - "

" Why didn't you tell me anything before! " I throw a pillow at her and she ducks skillfully. She sticks her tongue out playfully.

" I didn't want to ruin the surprise, "she gives me a wink." So when are you guys going on a date? "

I blink. I hadn't thought about that.

" Actually, I don't know if we are dating. He didn't exactly ask me to be his girlfriend - "

Ginger gives me a tsk.

" What? " I whine.

" He kissed you. What more do you want? A bouquet of roses? " she asks with a laugh.

" That would be nice, " I mutter to myself.

" It's getting late, I think I should leave, " she says as she looks at her watch.

" Don't want to stay for some snacks? " I offer.

Ginger sighs sadly," I wish, but I'm going on a diet. I want to look perfect for the fashion show . "

I smile. Ginger is pretty excited about the amateur fashion show that's being held in Pembrooke next month. The winner gets a scholarship to the Fashion Institute in Paris, the very best in the fashion world. I know that Ginger is spending most of her time designing outfits for the show.

"I'll see you in school tomorrow, " she hollers as she drives off.

Secretly I can't wait to see him tomorrow.


" Why are you glowing today? "Mom asks as I walk in for breakfast. I look down at my outfit, a pink and white sundress.

" Really? " I ask innocently.
" I think my baby here got herself a boy, " she coos as I spit my milk.

My dad looks up from the paper," Who is the guy? " He starts cracking his knuckles and I gulp.

" No one", I lie, "I tried out a different hairstyle today." I insist as I  twirl around, showing off the hair I spent an hour on.  I curled my locks and placed a pink butterfly clip at the side.

"You always look very pretty, "my dad smiles at me and continues to read the paper.

"You can fool your dad, but not me, "my mother whispers with a wink.

Suddenly I hear Ginger's car in the driveway," Ginger is here. Bye! " I wave as I run out, relieved to escape my mother's questions .

" Wow, "Ginger says as I jump in. I look at her confused," What? "

She smirks," Someone is glowing today " She teases as she starts the car.

I groan," My mother said the same thing. Why? "

" Cause the normal Betty Cooper wears jeans and sweaters with her trademark ponytail, "Ginger whistles.

" Too much? "I ask studying my outfit again. She shakes her head," On the contrary, it's perfect. "

As we reach school, I suddenly feel eyes on me. I walk briskly and consciously towards my lockers to avoid the constant stares in my direction.

I see Jughead leaning against my locker. He looks extremely handsome in his dark jeans and a Navy blue button down shirt. As he sees me he kneels on the floor and holds out a bouquet of red roses," Betty Cooper, will you be my girlfriend? "

A/N :
An update today, cause I love you all! Thank you for commenting and voting, it means a lot.

Question : Who is your favorite character? Jughead? Reggie? Archie? Betty? Ginger? Ron?

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