Chapter 5

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"Hey guys! Guess what! Prom is coming up and I'm a part of the managing committee!" squeals Nancy as she jumps up and down in excitement, waving a bunch of flyers in front of my face.

"Prom?" I repeat, dazed as I take my books out of my locker, still glum after the mission was a big flop.

"Don't tell that you have forgotten that it's next month!" she gasps, horrified at the thought of someone forgetting Prom and since she was part of the organising committee, she made it her job to remind everyone.

"Perfect, we are going to make sure that Archie asks you to Prom first," Jug whispers as he nudges me.

Yeah, right. Like that's ever going to happen.

"He ignored me today when Veronica was near, what makes you think he would ever ask me?"

"Because I have a fool proof plan," he argues.

"More like a plan for fools," I mutter under my breath.

"Hmm? You said something?"

"Nothing Juggie," I tell him, rolling my eyes as he walks beside me, humming an annoying tune with a mischievous look on his face.

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"You ready Bets?" Jug whispers into the phone.

"Yup." I reply, balancing a tray with a batch of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and a table fan near the window sill.

"Get ready - "

"Who is that Jug?" I hear Archie's voice at the other end, filled with curiosity, "and why are you whispering?

"My mom," he lies smoothly. Nice save Jug.

Apparently the way to a man's heart is to his stomach, so Jughead told me to bake some of Archie's favorite chocolate chip cookies and lure him in. Then casually flirt with him and bring up the prom subtly.

"I hope this works," I mutter before I switch on the fan.

Sure enough the two of them walk by. "Mmmm..... That smells good," I hear Archie take a deep breath as he sniffs the air.

"I think it's coming from Betty's," Jug innocently suggests.

Sure enough I hear the doorbell ring. I quickly look into the mirror and check myself, I think I look nice I convinced myself as I look down at my denim shorts and a tie dyed spaghetti top. I quickly run to switch off the fan.

"Hi," I squeak, my voice a notch higher than usual as I answer the door.

"Hey Bets. Um, you look nice today." Archie nervously glances at me and behind him Jughead gives me a thumbs up and a wink.

"Whatchya baking?" Jug asks casually as he saunters in with his hands in his pockets to control the urge of ravishing the whole batch of goodies. If he starts eating, there's no stopping him and he probably won't leave any for Archie.

"Chocolate chip cookies. Want some?" I ask them.

"Sure," they both say in unison.

"Oh, I think I'm getting a call.
I'll be back." Jughead digs his pocket for his phone.

He pretends to listen intently and then looks at us with regret in his eyes, "My mom wants me home."

He sniffs sadly and if we hadn't discussed this earlier, I would almost believe Jug's acting. He should try out for the school plays, I'm sure he will pass the auditions easily.

"Save some cookies for me or you both will pay," he warns us, swooping in and plucking a warm cookie from my hand before rushing to the door.

"Okay," both of us say as Jughead gives me a knowing grin before stepping out with his phone in his ear.

"Oh, and Arch, we'll go bowling some other time. Okay?" he tells Archie, and his best friend gives him an understanding nod.

I hope I succeed this time! I sit next to Archie on the sofa while he holds a plate full of cookies. "Yum! These are really good Betty!" Archie finally exclaims with his mouth full of cookies.

"Really?" I try to be sexy and twirl some strands of my hair.

"Yeah, you can start your own bakery," he suggests, chewing slowly, unaware of my body moving closer to his.

Batting my eyelashes I pucker my lips. He starts leaning closer too, noticing the close proximity of our mouths. Perfect. I beam inwardly, "No one can stop me now."

On cue his phone rings.

"Hello? Ronnie?? "

I am so mad right now. That girl is like a blood hound. "Now? Yeah, I'll be there," he continues jumping up and quickly puts his jacket on.

"Bye Bets, sorry but I gotta take Ronnie out," he apologizes before hurrying out the front door without giving me another glance. I plop back on the sofa and scream in frustration.

"Did it work?" Jughead huffs as he climbs into the house from the window, nearly scaring me to death.

"Where did you come from?" I ask shocked as I look at his torn and muddy clothes.

"I was hiding in the bushes. Turns out, the bushes had thorns." He shrugs like it's no big deal as he wipes the mud off his pants.

I sigh.

"Everything was fine until Ronnie interfered. "

"What?" His eyes nearly pop out of their socket, " b-but I didn't see her walk in? Did she fly or something? " He looks around, puzzled as fear flashes in his eyes as he imagine her suddenly appearing to beat him up, she wasn't very fond of him either.

"She called," I huff, crossing my arms against my chest.

"God, that girl is like a hawk. She really has him on a leash," he mutters as he shakes his head in disbelief, I agree with him.

Jughead then walks towards me, actually towards the coffee table next to me where the cookies are placed and stuffs his mouth greedily.

"Mmm..... How could he walk away from this plate?!" he groans in happiness as he relishes the snack.
"He would be a fool to not marry you!"

 "He would be a fool to not marry you!"

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"He prefers women to food, Jug."

"Well, we aren't giving up!" he exclaims, still stuffing his mouth with cookies. "Operation : Making him ask you to the prom, will be a success," he yells with his fist in the air.

"Okay, but first can you stop talking with your mouth full? You're spitting crumbs all over the carpet!"

" Sorry. Now we have to think of another plan," he mutters distractedly as he rubs his chin and paces around, leaving even bigger chunks of mud on the floor. I groan as I trudge to get a brook to clean up the mess.

Here we go again.

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