Chapter 12

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What was minutes seemed like hours as I stared at the door from where they had left. Everyone started dancing again and going about their own business.

"Betty.." I hear Jug call out to me as I walk out but I don't stop and follow them into the hallway.

What I see makes my heart churn- he is kissing her, like there's no tomorrow.

They stand there, Archie's back against the lockers and her legs wrapped tightly around his waist as her fingers grip his hair tightly, hair that I never had the guts to touch.

I stare at them there, frozen. They are oblivious of my presence. "What.. about.. Betty?" She asks him breathlessly in between they passionate kisses.

"I took her because you weren't my date. I don't like her that way." He replies as he kisses her neck.

I bite my lip to stop myself from crying. My throat feels dry as I find myself choking. I hoped that he had liked me, even a little. I close my mouth to prevent the sobs from breaking out and take a few steps back, bumping  into a someone.

Tears streaming, I turn to face Jughead.

He looks at me with his eyes full of pity. Ah.. He heard it as well. I cross him and run towards the bathrooms to vent out my now- broken heart.


"Shh." He says as he rubs my shoulders. After about fifteen minutes of locking myself up in a cubicle, he managed to convince me to come out.

My eyes are still sore and red from crying and wash my face which is messed up, rubbing it till my face is clean and pink.

"I am not good enough." I hiccup. 

Jug grabs my shoulders and turns me to face him. "Who said that!" He says angrily but as he looks into my eyes his face softens, "You are beautiful Betty. If there was one girl in this world that I would go out with, it would be you."

I sniffle. Jug is really sweet. He then hugs me. "Archie is a bastard, he doesn't know what he is missing."

Hearing that I feel much better.

"Now let's go back." He says as my crying finally ceases, but
I shake my head hard.


I can't watch those two anymore but he pulls me out of the bathroom. "We are going to dance." He states and I try to clutch to door of the girl's toilet,  but in vain as tickles me and picks me up, making me release my hold on it.

"Let me down!" I squeal as he throws me over his shoulders.

"We are going to have fun!" He yells with enthusiasm and I try reaching for the door again, but the distance seems to increase. So much for my plan of wallowing away in self pity.

"Okay fine, Put me down, I promise I won't run." I say in defeat. He puts me down and grins.

"Let's go." He links arms with me as we walk back.

The dance floor is a little empty as everyone is busy eating and chatting. Jug takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. "What are you doing?" I hiss in  surprise.

"We are going to dance." He replies, throwing me a wink and I look at him with my mouth open. I thought he was joking.

The DJ plays Jennifer Lopez's song -'on the floor'. "Dance!" Jug yells over the loud music and he grabs my hand and twirls me around. I love dancing and because of his perky behavior, I dance along  with him and he is a very good dancer. Surprising, I know.

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