Chapter 34

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Veronica's Pov:

I knew that he liked Betty, after listening to his drunk talk and observing his weird behaviour after Drake's party, I braced myself for it but it turns out that I wasn't mentally prepared for it at all . The truth hit me pretty hard.

I guess I just didn't want to admit it, the fact that his heart no longer belongs to me makes my chest hurt so bad.

Archie and I were baking cookies, but it looked like burnt cat food that even a pig wouldn't touch,"I'll throw this out then." He held out the burnt tray full of cookies in his hands as we stare at it with disappointment.

Miss Beazely is going to give us a D for sure.

If only I could smuggle my chef in. Gaston could bake us his famous swissrolls and get us an A plus for sure, he is the best after all.

"Okay." I say, secretly happy to not be cleaning up the mess we made, my hands would get dirty. I find my eyes following Archie, but after throwing our poor attempt at baking in the dustbin, he heads straight to Betty who is currently alone with a grin on her face as she watches Jug and Ginger chase Reggie out of class.

They are in a deep conversation and I lean in closer to hear better-" But I don't want to be more than friends anymore. I just realized that I love you. " I freeze in my tracks as I hear Archie's confession .

I feel the air escape my lungs and a sob stuck in my throat. I need to get out if here before someone sees me like this.

I don't bother to stay to listen to Betty's reply and run out of class as fast as I can.

I have only cried three times in my entire life-
The first was when I was five and my favorite Barbie broke. It was a pretty blonde one with a lavender dress and golden frills at the ends.

The second was when Daddy took all my credit cards from me and banned me from the mall after my grades hit rock bottom and he had caught me sneaking out to a party even though I was punished.

And the third was when we broke up after that fight at the gym,but recently I've been crying a lot.

Why do I cry over him? He should be the one crying!

This isn't fair.. Out of all the people in the world, why do I have to fall in love with that lower class red headed boy?

He couldn't afford to take me on dates to first class dinners, or buy me expensive gifts. Of course I would complain and make a fuss in front of him, but secretly I was touched by his efforts to please me .

The cheap trinket that he gave me on Valentines' day lies around my neck, hidden under my shirt.

I sit in the dusty janitor's room to have a brawl as I remember all the precious memories that we had made.

My heart hurts so much. Is this how Betty felt all the time when Archie was with me? I feel a little bad now, I was such a bitch to her when it came to Archie.

Archie - he doesn't love me at least not anymore. Did he ever love me? Was everything just based on superficial looks?

I cry harder .

"You okay?" I jerk my head up in shock as I look into his chocolate eyes which are full of concern. I quickly brush the tears away .

Oh great.

Him again.

Why does he always see me like this?

"What does it look like?" I hiccup and I roll my eyes when he sits beside me. "I want to be left alone right now."

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