Chapter 29

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Reggie's Pov:

"So what's up with you and Ginger?" Jughead glances at me as he continues slurping his chocolate milkshake before turning his head back to the screen.

The guys were gathered at my place to watch some football. A day for just us guys with beer and loads of food. And football. Especially Football.

"Nothing. " I gulp uneasily before stuffing my mouth with crisps. Chuck takes the packet from me before I can stuff my mouth further to avoid answering anymore questions.

"Looks like someone's smitten. " He sings in a weird high pitched voice making me stiffen in dread . They aren't going to let this go, are they?

"I don't like her. " I look at the screen blankly while trying to control my frantic heart beat.

"Well as far as my observations go, you are, in simple terms-head over heels in love with her." Dilton adds as he pushes his glasses up his nose. I wish I could kick him back to Russia and bury him in snow for his funeral.

"Why is the topic of the night my love life? We are supposed to be watching how the Giants will clobber the Cowboys tonight. "

The guys look at me as  though I am currently wearing a bikini and Jughead uses that minute to speak. "Your love life is more entertaining any day." I shift uncomfortably, being subjected to everyone's stares. I glare at Jughead who seems unruffled by my murderous glint as he stuffs a slice pizza in his mouth.

"It's good if you date Ginger." Moose says cheerfully before suddenly narrowing his eyes into thin slits  ,"That way I don't have to watch out for you hitting on my girl ." His cool tone sends a shiver down my spine-not the good kind. It's like knowing that you are on the verge of stepping on a mine field .

"Moose doesn't have to worry anymore now." Chuck hits my back before letting out a chuckle,"Reggie will be too engrossed in trying to please her that he might just forget his old player ways just like Archie. Isn't that right Arch?"

I look at the former player who is slumped against the beanbag, looking as dull as ever. His eyes never leaving the screen of his phone .

"Arch?" I get up and poke him from behind and he jumps up almost immediately, pushing his phone deep into his pocket before I can look at it .

"You and Ron just can't get enough of each other, can you?" I mock, gently nudging his shoulders.

"I guess." He mumbles as he looks glumly at the bowl of nachos on his lap .

Something is troubling Archie. He doesn't seem to be his usual flippant self. After that ski trip he hasn't really spoken to anyone. Not even Jug,his best friend. In fact, I don't think they have spoken much after he started going out with Betty.

Betty? Could it be because of her? Nah. He has 'Veronica Lodge' as his girlfriend. What more could he ask for?

I snap up as the the Giants score a touch down .Oddly, there is pindrop silence instead of cheering and when I look around the room, I see all the guys with their phones in their hands.

Chuck sits to a corner whispering something into the phone while the rest are tapping furiously messages to their girlfriends.

"It's supposed to be a guy's night." I sigh in frustration as everyone ignores me.

Even Jughead has a goofy look on his face as he stares at the screen of his phone. Probably a message from Betty. I can't believe they are going out. It's weird but they do make a cute couple. Jug seems like a completely different person with her- romantic with his eyes like a love struck puppy. I can't believe they even kissed! Who knew Jug was a beast on the inside.

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