Chapter 2

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"It's Archie, isn't it?" he continues lowly, making me suddenly snap my eyes at him as my jaw opens in shock.


"We all know you like Archie.
It isn't a big secret and besides Nancy isn't very good at keeping secrets," he cuts in, rolling his eyes as I feel my cheeks flare in embarrassment.

I remember now! I told Nancy about it because it was a truth or dare but she promised not to tell anyone. She is so dead, wait till I get my hands on that little minx!

"And you quit gymnastics just to join the cheerleading team to cheer for him didn't you?" he adds softly as I avert my gaze to the floor. "You quit something you loved to support him  from the sidelines, didn't you?"

"I-I  didn't find it fun anymore," I  weakly lie, flinching under his intense gaze.

"Liar, you loved it. You would practice your routine for hours together, why are you lying to me?"

Since there isn't any point arguing with Jug, I clear my voice ,"Fine! I loved it, but Archie is far more important than that!"

"Have you told Archie?" Jug finally whispers softly as he opens up a  packet of cheetos which he seemed to conjure out of thin air.

I shake my head, "I don't know what to do Juggie. He likes Ronnie already and I can never be better than her. I'm such a fool." I choke and hang my head as I feel all my confidence dissipating.

"Betty! You are a better person than she is, you are beautiful both in and out, so stop putting yourself down!" He exclaims, shaking my shoulders.

I feel a tear slide down my cheek. All these years, I've held back my feelings.

I never thought of telling him about my love for him because I thought I wasn't as good as Ron, and here the person I least expected to cheer me up is complimenting me.

I am so touched right now. "Thanks Juggie, you're the best," I choke out as a fat tear slides down my cheek.

"No Betty, you are," he states with a grin. "Besides, I am not too fond of little Miss Lodge, she is arrogant and snooty. I think you deserve happiness so I'm going to help you."

"You will? "

"Yeah, you have always helped me, mostly with my hunger cravings so this is the least that I can do." He shrugs.

Why is he suddenly deciding to help me? And what does he know about love? The 'girl hater' is going to make Archie fall in love with me?

"How are you going to help me?" I muse out loud .

"Where there is a will, there is a way," he smirks as he deviously rubs his hands together in anticipation. I stare at his excited face, now he is sprouting proverbs and idioms. What has gotten into Jughead?

I shrug my thoughts away, at least he decided to help me but I can't help but blurt out, "Why do you care so much?"

He pinches my cheek, "Because you are important to me."


Why is he being so sweet now?
It's a pity he hates girls. I'm sure that he would be more popular than Reggie and Archie.

"Archie is my best friend and Ronnie isn't good for his heart and wallet," he finally states, wincing with distaste. I laugh at his statement because it is so true.

Ron needs the very best- The most expensive restaurants, luxurious seats in the theater, and even limos to travel in. Her taste is too extravagant and most certainly not cheap.

I don't need any of that.

I just want the guy I like to like me back and spend his time with me

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I just want the guy I like to like me back and spend his time with me. I feel sad thinking about my unrequited love.

"Besides, you're the girl every boy wishes for," Jughead adds softly, trying to comfort me as he notices my pained expression and it works. I actually feel better listening to his words.

I would be better if I had just fallen for someone as sweet as Juggie.

His only draw back is his unhealthy obsession for food.

I study him closely. I realise that he is in fact very, very handsome, with his jet black hair ruffled and his trade mark hat-the grey crown shaped hat that he has been wearing since he was little. I don't know why he wears it even now though.

He even has a firm sharp jaw with a good sharp, long and straight nose.

His sense of style is also really good, as I glance at his blue buttoned down shirt with black jeans which is actually neatly ironed and paired up with some black sneakers.

Girls should be fawning over him, he looks like a model compared to Archie.

Wait! Why am I comparing him to Archie? The red head with freckles all over his cheeks and nose. With his pearly white smile,and his addictive chuckles. I feel giddy as I imagine his lips on mine.

"Betty??? Are you dreaming? " Jughead asks waving his hands over my face to get my attention, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Sorry," I sheepishly mutter.

"That's all right." He waves his hand dismissing it. "Now about the plan-" Just then the bell rings interrupting him midsentence.

"Guess we'll have talk about it later then," he huffs under his breath as he quickly grabs his books from his locker.

As we walk to Miss Grundy's class, I ask him what his topic is.

"Food consumed during the World War 1, Miss Grundy definitely needs to give me an A," he replies smugly, brimming with confidence.

I suppress a giggle at the mention of food, typical Jughead.

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