Chapter 13

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"Hey Bets." Jug chirps as I slip into my seat for English class.
I smile at him.

"How was your weekend?" He  asks.

"Good." If you think that spending time in front of the TV with a tub of chocolate ice cream is the definition of fun while watching the notebook with a box of tissues.

"Good morning class." Mrs. Grundy says, making us all sit up in our seats. "Today's class is on Shakespeare. I'll put you all in pairs and by the end of this week you should enact a scene from one of his plays."

Hearing this I sit up straighter in my seat; I love Shakespeare.

"You will be put in pairs by me." She cuts in as everyone starts whispering excitedly among themselves.

Everyone groans in disappointment .

I wonder who my partner will be.

"The pairs are-Chuck with Moose, Dilton with Ginger, Nancy with Ethel, Reggie with Midge, Veronica with Jughead and Betty with Archie."

Did I hear wrong? Maybe I'm dreaming. I slap myself hard making the whole class turn and stare at me weirdly .

It's not a dream! So embarrassing... I want to bolt out class right now. 

As my eyes meet Veronica's, she gives me a look of distaste. She stopped talking to me after she heard that I had said yes to Archie when he asked me to be his date, though he still went for her in the end .

Suddenly Ron's hand shoots up. "Yes Veronica? Is anything a problem? "

"Yes, there is a problem.. I want my partner to be Archie ." She states stubbornly.

"You can't change your partner." Mrs. Grundy says firmly, pinching the bridge of her nose in dread of having to deal with Ron's demand.

"Well, then I will have to tell my father to stop giving donations." She cooly replies, looking at her long dark manicured red nails and smirking in victory.

The Lodges are one of the biggest sources for funds, and Riverdale high cannot afford to lose their main source of income.

Veronica is making such a big fuss over nothing really. Sometimes she acts too spoiled.

"Fine , Betty and Jughead pair up ."Sighs Mrs. Grundy when  she soon realizes that she has no other option but to comply.

"Thank you Mrs. Grundy." Veronica says in a sickly sweet voice with her bleached pearly whites on display.

"Are you both okay with that?" She glances at the two of us.

"I am thankful for that , I  can't stand a stuck up." Jughead replies with a smirk on his face,  earning a hearty laugh from our classmates. I can't suppress the smile that forms on my face as well. Veronica gives him a dirty look and scowls as she flips her hair angrily.
Good ol Jug.

"I expect everyone to be prepared for this on Monday. You have a week and remember, you are being graded on it." She warns us as the bell rings.

Too bad most of the class ran out before she even completed the last line.

"So what play do you want to do?" Jug asks me after school.

"Which one do you like?" I shoot  back.

"I like the one with food." He says, sniffing the air like a hound  as I take out a batch of chocolate chip brownies that were baking in the oven. We are currently hanging out at my place and with a bowl of nachos in front of him, Jug  lazes on the sofa and consumes them as though he is malnourished . It's just nachos.

"When will the brownies be ready?" He whines as I place them back in the oven for a bit more .

I roll my eyes and smack him on the head with my English literature book.

Please forgive me William Shakespeare I didn't mean to hurt your book .

"Food isn't what we are going to enact." I explain, irritatedly. 

"Ow." He grumbles while rubbing the sore spot with his long fingers. Long fingers? Where did that come from?

As I shake my head, trying to brush off my thoughts, Jug suddenly asks me, "Which is your favorite play?"


"Which play of his is your favorite?" He asks again after muffling a yawn.

"Romeo and Juliet." I reply in a heartbeat. I love the love they have for each other. True love is always so hard to find these days .

"Then Romeo and Juliet it is." He states with a smile.

"Wait!" His nose is upturned as he sniffs the air before suddenly gasping. "How could you!" He barks as he runs into the kitchen in a hurry. What did I do wrong? Then the smell of brownies fills the air.

"The oven! "I yell running after him, mentally slapping myself for almost forgetting.

In twenty minutes, Jughead  digested a whole batch of my brownies. "How?" I ask with my eyes bugged out at his ravenous appetite, making him answer it with a burp.

"Well, I think I should go lie down  now. " He says with his hand on the doorknob. The other patting his still flat tummy.

How can he not put on weight?

"I will see you in school tomorrow." He cheerily says.

"Yeah, and we should decide which scene we are going to do."

"After I read it." He points out  with his foot already out the door, but something on his face makes me stop him.

"You have a bit -" I say motioning to the corner of his mouth which is smeared with chocolate.

"Hmm?" He looks confused,  rubbing everywhere else, making me sigh and lean in to remove it.

As I start rubbing it off, I realize that we are standing really close to each other and I make the mistake of looking into his eyes.

Lost in his eyes, I lean closer and he does as well with his eyes closed. The distance between us growing smaller and smaller...

"Ow!" He yelps as he jumps, caressing his now hand - imprinted cheek.

"Bye!" I squeak, kicking him out and closing the door behind me.

I lean against the door breathe shallowly, " What was wrong with me?" I look through the window and see Jug walking away still rubbing his red cheek with the same expression on his face-of shock and disbelief .

What had come over me?

More importantly, what would have happened if I hadn't slapped him?

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Love you guys.
-Suzanne :*

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