Chapter 17

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I looked at the phone that I held in my hand. Realization dawned upon me and I took a pillow to muffle my screams. I'm so dumb.

Knowing Ginger, she will force me to go now and if I don't she will call me a chicken.

I suddenly my phone rings  beside me and I jump in surprise. Thinking it's Ginger, I grumpily pick it up."What now! " I yell.

" Uh, Betty? "

" V-veronica? Hi " I stutter  awkwardly. It's been days since we spoke, after the dance I avoided her like plague.

Even though she very mean and snobbish, I still miss her.She is one of my first girlfriends after all.

" Are you free today? " She asks me uneasily, wondering how I will respond.

I want to say yes, but I know that Ginger would point a knife to my neck because she is coming over and she wants to hook me up with Jug, even if she has to force me to. She gets what she wants this way.

" I'm sorry, but I have baby-sitting today." I reply, surprised as the lie flows out of my mouth easily.

" Oh, that's fine then.I'll see you around." She softly says, sounding a bit disappointed.

" Yeah. Bye." I say, feeling bad that I turned her down, maybe I'll make it up to her tomorrow. I hope we do patch things up. I take the picture of the two of us that sits on my bedside.
She will always be my best friend, however mean and bitchy she may be.

Just then I hear the door bell ring.
She really came!

I am scared right now. What will she do to me and Jug?I run down the stairs praying that Jughead hasn't answered the door yet. Maybe I can convince her to leave.

Fat chance though.

"So you were here? Are you done packing?" I hear Ginger ask Jughead with authority laced in her voice.

"She is already here!" I panic as Jug looks blank. I slowly walk towards the back door hoping that no one noticed me.

Who cares if I'm in my pajamas..If Ginger spots me running away, I'm screwed.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. Shuddering I turn and meet her blazing green eyes."Where are you running off to?" She growls with amusement in her voice which sounds scarily cheery.

"Um, for a jog. " I stutter unable to come up with a better excuse.

She looks at me with her eyes narrowed to tiny stilts, unable to believe my lie. She knows that I hate exercising. " Like that? " She asks as she glares at my Pikachu cover pants.

I try giving her my puppy dog eyes, but she smirks." Doesn't work on me, babe. " She drawls  as she drags me back to the living room.

"What is happening?"Jughead asks as Ginger clutches me by the shirt and throws me onto the couch with her abnormal strength .

He glances at me with a confused look on his face. "Run," I try mouthing but Ginger covers my mouth quickly.

"Pack for a night." She states as she bolts the front door shut, making sure that I don't make a run for it again.

"Huh? " He dumbly stares at us,  confused as ever,"pack?"

" You two are packing and coming with me." She repeats  as she glares at Jug," and don't think of running away." Her warning tone makes us both shudder.

" But I don't have any clothes with me now." He pipes up as he raises his hands in fear.

Of course,"Jug you are a lifesaver. " I beam at him, hoping that she would just drop it and not lug us to the resort.

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