Chapter 15

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Jughead's Pov:

She drank too much. What was she thinking! She didn't realize that the punch was spiked, so gullible -which is like her.

Many guys whispered as she walked in, and I couldn't find myself looking away as she stood in front of me, dressed up in white, resembling the angel that she already is.  

The moment she passed out, I carried her to one of the bedrooms in Ginger's gigantic house .

I took her shoes off after I placed her gently on the bed. Her long lashes fluttered as her pink lips parted slightly with her chest heaving up and down, looking peaceful and deeply in sleep. 

"She looks so beautiful. " I lean in but jump away immediately. Since when did I become so sappy?

I'm in love with her.

I always was. 

When I laid my eyes on her today in those pure snow white wings and when Ginger ordered us to kiss, it took me all of my will power to not kiss her senseless right there. 

No one knows that I like her and I prefer it that way.

Wonder why I seem like a women hater? Because I don't find anyone else other than Betty appealing. Besides, annoying girls leave me alone since I hate them of course.

Big Ethel was an exception though, always hanging around and plotting  how to make me fall head over heels in love with her but her plans always seemed to backfire and sometimes I would catch the depressed look on her face making me almost feel sorry for her.

At least now she has someone else who is into her. After all, I'm the one who introduced him to her when he told me one day during class that he found Ethel 'cute'.

So it's a win-win for all - I don't have Ethel stuck to me and she has a caring boyfriend who likes her as much as I like Betty.

Why do I like Betty so much?

Cause she is the most genuine person on this planet and Archie is a fool to go reject her.Veronica is nothing compared to her, she is such a sweetheart.

Yes, she was there for me through thick and thin.


Jughead sat alone under the tree, crying .

It was recess and their first grade teacher had told them that they could play on the swings. Being a little too silly, he put his lunch box on his lap as he sat on one swing.

"I can swing higher than you! " said Little Reggie with a swell of his chest , taunting him.

" You can't! " Little Jug countered.

" We'll see!" He yelled back at Jug.
The two boys took their positions.

" One.. Two... Three! "screamed a little girl as a tiny crowd surrounded them to see what the ruckus was about. 

Jug got ready and pushed his body front with all his might.

Before he realized what had happened, his box went flying and fell on the ground with a thud.

His lunch lying scattered on the ground.

He looked shocked and lost balance and fell hard on the ground and scraped his knee in the process, earning a snicker from Reggie, who was high in the sky- gloating about his victory.

" Jughead! Why is your food all over the floor? " His teacher asked, her voice a little raised . She looked very cross and failed to noticed the scratch on his knee..

Little Jug looked down, ashamed as all the kids started giggling.

" Clumsy Jug." They chanted with glee as they all witnessed his fall

Jug felt his eyes brim with tears and to hide them, he ran away.He cried for a while, till he felt a tap on his shoulder.

" Jug? "

Little Jug looked up and saw Betty standing next to him.

She held her pink Powerpuff girls lunch box out. " I have ham sandwiches, want some? "

Just then his stomach rumbled, he looked a little embarrassed, but to the sandwich looked so good that he couldn't refuse.

She sat next to him and they both looked at the sky and ate the sandwiches quietly with a Powerpuff bandage on his knee. 

Betty sure loved the Powerpuff girls. 

In Seventh grade during Valentine's day, he wanted to her to be his valentine . She was so sweet and kind to him and his feelings for her kept growing stringer by the day.

"I will confess to her today." He vowed as he kept his letter in his pocket and held a red rose stiffly  behind his back.

He spotted her near the lockers. She looked pretty as usual and very nervous.

He took a deep breath. " You can do this. " He said to himself as a trickle of sweat fell from his forehead.

As he walked towards her-" This is for you Archie! "

He saw her holding out a letter and a rose to his best friend , blushing furiously.

He felt his heart break into two.
He knew that they were close but he was a fool to not realize that she already liked another boy, his best friend in fact.

" I'll just support them from a distance then. I want her to be happy, if Archie can make her happy, why do I have to ruin it? "

Saying that, he threw his confession and flower into the dustbin.

" I will keep my feelings hidden and try getting over her." He told himself.

That's when he found his distraction...



" I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again." I whisper as I lace my fingers with hers. I lean in and peck her lips lightly.

" I love you and I am never letting you go. "

I should have done that sooner. I felt a smile form in my lips as I take my phone out to call her parents.

Little did I know that Reggie was hiding under the bed, listening to every word.

You can't really blame Reggie though, the poor soul just needed to pee very badly and so he ran to the nearest bathroom that he could find.

As he flushed the toilet and washed his hands he heard the turn of the doorknob of the bedroom, so without thinking he dived under the bed and held his breath.

"Wait... Why am I even hiding?" He scolded himself as he slapped his forehead.

" I didn't even flirt with Midge today. Heck, I never even saw her! " He thought as he normally would hide in order to avoid becoming human meatloaf by Moose.

What he didn't expect was hearing Jughead confess his feelings for Betty.

"Now that is new." He muttered in disbelief," Who would've thought that the 'girl hater' actually likes a girl."

He slipped out of the room before Jughead returned.

My crazy rants :
Hello everyone!
I wanted to write one chapter in Jughead's pov. Liked it? 

Credits to MissAnonymoussx for the AMAZING COVER !!SHE IS AWESOME !:*

I love you guys!! 800 reads!
*hands out cookies.

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