Chapter 33

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Airplanes whiz around class as Miss Grundy walks in.

She gives the boys a glare as she taps her desk for our attention, but no one seems to notice her as they keep  continuing their morning banter -

"Is that lipstick from Sephora's?"

"Chad broke up with Mindy."

"Did you finish your Science paper? "

I eye Veronica as she sits next to me, and keeps looking at her nails with her mouth pursed tightly closed.
She normally can't keep her mouth shut.

"Why did you guys leave early? We were all looking for you both." I ask  her, remembering how Jug and I were trying to call them as we couldn't find them at the party, but their phones were switched off so we assumed that they were 'busy'.

She looks at me with a flash of hurt in her eyes,"I-it's nothing. "She states hoarsely before she averts her eyes away.

I stare at her, stunned.

This is the first time that I have ever heard Ron stutter, which is odd  because Veronica Lodge never stammers.
Ever .

"Did something -"I start only to be interrupted by our furious teacher.

Miss Grundy can't take it anymore ,"Shut your big fat mouths or I'll give you all an F on your English papers!" She screams, making the class fall silent in an instant.

"Much better." She states, looking pleased with herself for thinking of such a smart way to shut us up, as she watches our horrified expressions at the mention of our grades plummeting.

"We have a new transfer student today. "She continues,"I want you all to welcome him and help him around school." We nod mutely as she beckons someone in.

As the boy walks in, a lot of girls straighten up in their seats and adjust their clothes as they stare at him, wide-eyed .

I admit; the boy is handsome with big brown eyes and dark black hair and he smiles, showing off his perfectly aligned teeth that sets most of the girls swooning.

He is almost as tall as Jughead.

"Meet Raj Patel, who was living in the Uk till now."

The girls giggle flirtatiously but the guys don't look very pleased at the girls' reactions.

"Now Mr.Patel's family shifted to Riverdale just a week back, so I need a volunteer to help him with his school work ."

Many girls immediately raise their arms, volunteering to 'help him ' but her eyes skim through the sea of hands belonging to the desperate girls and shakes her head knowingly, till her gaze rests on me. She smiles widely. 

"I'll put Betty in charge of showing you around school, since you don't know anybody."

She glances at me- the 'good student' and I nod my head, making  the rest of the class groan in disappointment and shoot me envious glares.

I look at Raj to find him staring hard at Ron with a knowing smile on his face as she sits still, having her eyes fixed to the ground, with a dazed look on her face.

"That's okay Miss Grundy, I actually know someone who can show me around ." He replies in a slight British accent, which seems to excite the females more.

Well, guys with British accents are very sexy, but no one is as hot as Jug.

Ah, he really occupies most if my mind these days, I really sound love struck. I am.

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