Chapter 39

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"Thank you Riverdale High for making our senior year our most memorable one." I say, finally ending the speech that I had prepared as the Valedictorian.

Today is our Graduation, and I can't believe that we are finally going off to college. I see my mom wipe a stray tear from her cheek and my brother grinning at me. My older brother, Chic came down from New York for my graduation. Sadly, Polly, my sister couldn't make it since she had an important business conference to attend.

I look at the crowd and spot Jug grinning back at me before I continue, "Three cheers for Riverdale High!" I scream as I take my hat off and throw it in the air. Everyone gets up and cheers as they throw theirs as well.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going to miss you little punks." Weatherbee smiles and lightly dabs his eyes with his hanky.

"Aww, we'll miss you too." Archie coos and runs to hug him but trips over his gown and crashes into our horrified looking principal.

"I take it back!" He cries out hysterically as Archie tries getting up but slips and falls on top of him again.

"Betty!" I see my parents wave their hands in the air and run to them.

"I'm so proud of you honey." My mom says with tears in her eyes. My father snaps a picture as my brother ruffles my hair playfully.

"We're going home now, have fun hon, it's your big day." My dad says as he kisses my cheek.

"Party, but don't party too hard." Chic whispers with a wink as Ginger approaches me.

"We are done at last! Can you believe it?" Ginger squeals as she hugs me tightly. My eyes water; I'm going to really miss her. She got into the Institute of Fashion, IFA in Paris. A few months back she had taken part in the International fashion competition for amateurs and won, giving her a full scholarship.

"I'm going to miss you." I tearfully say but cough when she claps my back with a force that could cripple a bear.

"Hey, that hurts!" I grumble as I massage my sore back. I'm going to miss her karate kicks and hits.

"I'm leaving after two weeks, so relax will ya!" She smiles but her smile doesn't quite reach her eyes. Two weeks isn't a long time.

"You didn't tell Reggie, did you?" I question her and for a moment she looks taken aback.

"Is it written all over my face?" She jokes as she recovers, trying to brush it off. She really shouldn't keep things like this bottled up.

"I think you should tell him the truth, tell him that you will be going to France to study. Why is that so difficult?" I ask her.

She looks at me, "Reg has been offered a great college in California and I don't think we could maintain a long distance relationship. He might meet someone and I might also-"

I give her a good shake, "What's wrong with you! He wouldn't leave you!"

"Exactly!" She yells, "Instead he would leave everything for me! That's exactly why I can't tell him."

She watches him as he playfully wrestles with a guy, placing him in a stiff headlock, "and if I tell him, I don't think that I would be able to leave." She whispers sadly.

"Betty!" I turn and look at Jughead who runs towards me, out of breath, "Can I borrow my girlfriend for a while?" He asks Ginger who nods and gives me a sly wink as he pulls me away.

"Talk to him." I tell her. Her jaw tightens and she nods mutely.

"We have to hurry!"

"What's gotten you so excited?" I ask him as he jumps around excitedly. He just drags me to the field and ducks behind the bleachers and urges me to keep mum. I raise my eyebrow and open my mouth to retort but he swiftly covers it as his eyes spot someone.

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