Chapter 24

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Dedicated to Soeunyoung 15 who just made my day amazing! <3

I look into his eyes and forget everything else. His breath was like fire trailing down my neck, and when he kissed each place, sparks flew everywhere.

I find myself shivering in delight as I pull him closer.

"I'm in love with you, Betty ." He  groans huskily into my ears as I lace my fingers in his silky smooth hair. My heart flutters when his lips touch mine and my mind turns blank as I feel his hands wrap around my waist .

Soon the gentle kiss turns into a passionate one as he deepens the kiss and moves his hand slowly up my -

I wake up with a jolt both shocked and relieved," It was just a dream! " I cry aloud before diving under the sheets, embarrassed to be having such thoughts .

I still can't believe that I had kissed him yesterday. Thank goodness we have vacation now, otherwise how would I face him?

Suddenly my phone rings and my heart starts beating fast, I have been avoiding his calls and messages.

I really do like Jughead and I think that I'm  falling for him harder, but I don't want to face him, at least not anytime soon.

I pick my phone up to see the caller ID - Veronica, thank God it's not him.

                      *      *     *

Ron invited me to her place, for a sleep over but before  going to her place, Ginger and I decide to have breakfast together.

As we order our food I tell her what happened at his place -the kiss.

" You kissed Ju-!!! "Ginger screams in delight making me jump to swiftly close her mouth with my hand.

" Shhh! People will hear you! "I look around Pop tate's, luckily no one seemed to notice.

" I knew you liked him, so you guys are dating. Congratulations to the two of you! "She says happily before stuffing her mouth with pancakes dripping of maple syrup.

How she still maintains her figure is a wonder to me.

" Actually - " I look down at my plate and play around with my scrambled eggs," I didn't confess. "

" What?!"she almost chokes on her food and looks at me with her eyes bulging. "Why haven't you confessed?" She whispers.

"I guess I'm just afraid that I'll be rejected." I softly say making her snort loudly.

"He likes you as well. That's so obvious even a fool can see that. " Ginger states dryly as I look at her with shock. Jughead likes me? Me?

"H-how do you know? "I ask her wondering if she heard it from someone.

" I know so, you can see it in his eyes. " He likes me? No, I can't believe it.

At that moment ,the door swings open and Jughead, Reggie and Archie casually stroll in. I duck down in reflex." Hide me! "I whisper hysterically to Ginger, so much for hoping to avoid him.

She shoots me a glare and suddenly stands up. Why is she standing? Don't tell me that -

" Hey guys! " She waves, grabbing their attention.

" Hey Ginger. "Reggie grins as he slides into the seat next to her. If you like her just tell her  already!

" What are you doing Betty? "Archie asks me with his eyebrow raised as he notices me crouching under the table.

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