Chapter 25

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"Why did you kiss me?" he asks as he holds onto my hand tightly. I feel trapped as his eyes paralyze me. I'm speechless, unable to form a proper sentence.

"Uh, I-"I start explaining till I hear a yell.

"Betty! "I turn to see Cheryl Blossom approach me in skies. Jughead's grip on my arm loosens as she engulfes me in a tight bear hug. For a girl so slim, she can even crush an elephant with her hugs.

" - it's been-long" I gasp, unable to breathe. She lets go and smiles, "I know! I told Ron that we wanted to surprise everyone since we were in town."

"We? "
" Yeah, me and my brother, "she says casually as I now notice the red head behind her-Jason.

" Hey Betty, "he looks at me with a smile. I nod my head and muster up a small grin in return .

This was the guy who made school life  horrible for me before. My 'Kindergarten bully'.

" So is everyone here ? "Ron asks as her arm is slung around Archie's waist.

Cheryl notices it in an instant, " Wait, are you two dating? "She looks at the two of them in shock. Ron nods her head," Yeah, we are. "

" And you didn't tell me! "She mutters, feigning a hurt look.

" Who is ready for some skiing! "Reggie yells from a distance, grabbing everyone's attention.

While the  guys speed off down the hill,  Ron and Archie stand to a side acting all lovey dovey.

" So he chose Ron huh? "Cheryl muses shaking her head in disbelief," It should have been me! "

Cheryl also had a huge crush on Archie. Then again, who didn't?

When she switched schools, I was a bit relieved that one rival moved away but that was short lived when Ron arrived.

" They seem happy, "I reason as I dig my poles into the soft snow," Let's race! "I scream to Ginger and Cheryl.

Ginger being a beginner, was rooted to the ground while Cheryl caught up to me in seconds.

" But I always thought that the two of you would be together, "she whispers.

" I thought so too, but now I don't care, "I say to myself as I glance at his raven hair. I could almost feel his lips on mine again.

I was in love with Archie for years, but within a few weeks he stole my heart. The boy who thinks of food as his first love.


" So you guys had fun? "Ron asks as we sit for dinner together. We all nod, exhausted and tired from all the skiing and snow boarding.

" It was pretty funny watching Ginger fall on her butt all the time! "Cheryl teases.

" Oh, shut up Blossom! "Ginger whines as she covers her eyes, embarrassed.

" Reggie was saying that Ginger looked cute when she fell, "Jason pipes up. Reggie punches Jason and glances at Ginger. When their eyes meet, both of them start blushing.

I am sure they like each other.

" Maybe Reggie should teach her skiing. After all, he is an expert, "Archie winks at Reggie. Everyone starts teasing them.

I glance at Jug, who avoids my gaze. He has been avoiding me since morning.

" Don't you like the food? "I snap up to look into Jason's sparkly blue eyes. I shake my head," It's delicious. " I feel his eyes on me as I chat a little with Jason.

" So you're here for vacation? "I continue, trying to make up some small talk as I divert my mind away from Jughead.

" Just for two days. My dad wants me to start training in his office, "he says with a sigh." You sound like you don't want to do it, "I say as I notice his displeasure.

" I want to be a professional tennis player, but my dad wants me to think of it as a hobby. "

He looks a bit disappointed, so I place my hand on his, comforting him," You do what your heart wants to do. "

He looks at my hand on top of his. I quickly remove it suddenly feeling self conscious, but to my surprise he holds onto it." Thank you Betty, "he says with his eyes full of sincerity," And I'm sorry I didn't treat you right when we were young. "

I smile," It's alright. We were immature. "

He looks at me, his gaze boring into mine as he whispers softly," I only teased you because I - "

" Okay, who wants some dessert now ?! "Archie asks, causing us to jump in our seats. Jason sighs, disappointed to be interrupted. I wonder what he was going to say.

He seems like a nice guy now. I guess I judged him wrongly.

As we all walk back to our rooms- stomachs full, Jason taps my shoulder, "Do you want to go for a walk?" A walk would be nice, I need some fresh air so I agree, "Sure."

As we walk, he tells me more about Permbrooke, his school and tennis .

"So Betty, are you dating anyone right now? "he asks as we stand  outside my room.

" Not really - "Suddenly I feel his soft lips on my cheeks. I stand still, startled because of the sudden kiss.

" That's a relief then, "he says with a smile," Goodnight. "He walks quickly away, sparing me a glance now and then as I still stand dazed with hand on the spot where he kissed.

I hear the sound of something fall to ground. Shards of glass are scattered on the floor and when I look up, I meet Jughead's eyes

And he looks furious.

Thank you guys for adding my book to your libraries. I would love to know what you think of the book. I'll definitely reply sooner or later. X3 don't forget to vote as well!

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