Chapter 21

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Dedicated to Countesssiluette(my team cheerleader) Gooo team dynamite!! Marcysmile and little bunny 2, I'm grateful for your support. Happy new year! Love you all! (^o^)

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One look at Jughead's face and my heart sinks. I know that I didn't say anything wrong but I felt my heart tug as I watched Jug walk away with his jaw clenched and hurt flashing his eyes. I want to call out to him again but my mouth doesn't coordinate with my brain as I wordlessly look down at my hand that he had coldly pushed away.

"I wanted to apologize to you but I come here to find out that you are hanging out with Jug? How could you? I thought you liked me! " Archie's voice interrupts my thoughts and I look at him in disbelief.

I poke his chest," Used to like you. Get over yourself, Jughead is twice the man that you will ever be." I correct him before shutting the front the door behind me. Well, more like slammed it.

" Well that was fun to watch ."I jump on hearing her voice.

" You were here all this while? " Ginger looks at me with amusement before walking into the kitchen.

"From the beginning till the end, I loved the way you gave lover boy a piece of your mind." She says as she pats my shoulder proudly and takes a gulp of her Mr.Pepper.

"I know, but I don't feel too happy after saying those things about Jughead." I sigh as I recall Jughead's solemn voice and cold gaze.

" So you have realized now ? ", She asks as she plops onto the couch with a packet of barbeque pringles on her lap.

" I don't know yet ." I say, sitting down next to her.

" Well you should soon." She says as she dials a number on her phone," Is this Dominos? I want a large sized pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. "

She winks at me and my spirit lifts up a little. I love this girl, she really knows how to cheer me up.

Melted cheese is always good for binge eating.

" This is so funny! " I cry out as we watch horrible bosses together nibbling on our melted cheese pizza.

" So what are your plans for Christmas? " She asks me suddenly out of the blue.

Oh yeah, Christmas is a few days away. I can't believe that it slipped from my mind. I should start buying presents for the gang.

What do I give Jughead?

" You could hand-knit him something." She teases me making me realize that I had spoken my thoughts out loud .

" Well, what are you doing? " I ask her, hoping to get a few ideas from the expert herself .

" Well, It's not like I have a boyfriend now, so I will be alone . Anyway, won't Ron throw her lavish Christmas parties?"

I nod before taking another bite of my slice of goodness .

"Wanna go? " She asks and I ponder over it. Her parties would normally be spent by Archie swooning over her and me sitting sourly in a corner with a cup of juice in my hand, throwing envious glances at them.

In short, I never had any fun at her parties. I used to always worry about the two of them being alone.

Well, competing for Archie's attention all started when we were in middle school itself.

"Ooh Archie! You're so sweet! " She giggles as she glances at the little house that they had passed, and from the corner of her eye she could see the curtains of the window move slightly .

" Let her see me with Little Archie ." She smugly thinks to herself as she loops her arm around his as he carries her books for her diligently and follows her like a faithful puppy, his eyes filled with adoration for her.

Sure enough, Little Betty was watching the two with a heavy heart. " She is trying to make me jealous and she is doing a good job at it." She bitterly says as she watches her rest her head on his shoulder .

The only time she ever walked home with Archie was when he used to ask her to help him with homework, and she would agree happily without batting an eyelash.

She was always there for him when he needed her, but sadly he didn't need her for fun, only for favours.

So the next day at school she ran up to him with tickets in her hand.

She knew how much he loved scary movies. "Um Archie." She starts shyly as she taps his shoulder for his attention.

" Would you like to watch 'scream' with me this Saturday ? " She continues and tightly closes her eyes and holds the tickets out in anticipation, silently praying for him to say yes.

She hates scary movies with all her heart but she wouldn't mind watching it, if it was for him.

He can't resist this, can he? He loves scary movies.

" Gee Betty, I'm going with Veronica to the opening of 'Kingdom'. They've got the best roller coasters." He replies, looking pretty excited about it.

She feels her heart being smashed into two. Veronica won again. She looks down at the floor," That's okay, I wonder what I should do with this ticket."

She is secretly relieved that she doesn't have to watch the horrible movie now, it would be bad for her heart, but now that Archie turned her down she wouldn't have to go through that torture .

" I'll go with you." She turns to see that it was Jughead who had spoken.

" Movie means popcorn and hotdogs and that spells food." He answers as he chews on his lollipop.

"That's great Betty! Your ticket won't go to waste now ." Archie looked at her with his dazzling smile, pressing her to go with Jug. Betty nods, unable to speak.

That's when Jughead realized her fear of watching scary movies.

I now remember! I had fainted in between the movie and Jughead had to drag me out of the theatre.

He still remembers.

Jughead was the one who was always beside me, yet I can't recall ever being there for him.

Archie was what I always thought about. I was very desperate, wasn't I?

"Betty? " She clicks her fingers in front of me, wondering why
I am taking so long to answer her question.

I look at Ginger's hopeful face and sigh. "I don't think I should go if she calls ." We both still not on talking terms with each other, and then there's Archie.

" Oh, it's going to be fun." Ginger presses," Maybe we'l even get new boyfriends. Doesn't she invite a lot of hot guys as well? "

" I guess. "

" Then let's go boy hunting then!" She excitedly says , rubbing her palms together in excitement. I nod trying to feel excited as well, but I don't as I think about Jug.

Christmas.. I always gifted him a cd since he loves listening to music, especially the Beatles , maybe I should give him something different this year.

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A few days back

" I'm knitting Moose a sweater ." Midge says with a faint blush on her cheeks.

" That's amazing! I heard that boys like it when girls make them something handmade, maybe I should make one for Chuck as well ." Nancy says as she takes her books out of her locker for Chem class.

I walk with the two of them, mutely listening in on their discussion on what they would get their boyfriends.

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A sweater maybe too hard for a beginner like me so instead I take my laptop out and google : easy way to knit a muffler. I take out a pen to take notes. If I want to start early, I should go to Walmart tomorrow and buy supplies.

I hope I can make it up to him, show him that I care.

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