Chapter 14

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Happy Halloween!!
I made a special Halloween one ;) Enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment.

"Did you read the play?" I ask Jug as we gather our books from our lockers. He gives me one of his brightest smiles.


I narrow my eyes, "Why not?"

"Because I was sleepy ." He  says with a pout which looks really adorable. Adorable?

"Fine, at least read it today."  I rub my temples in exhaustion.A test in calculus, a paper in chemistry and a pop quiz in history just drained the life out of me.

" I can't today. " He rubs his neck sheepishly as I give him a death glare.

" And why not? "

" Because today Ginger is hosting the Halloween party, and the food will be endless. He  licks his lips,"Did you forget?"

Ginger did keep reminding me about it, I guess it just slipped from my mind.

" When is it again? " I ask looking at my watch as we walk out of the campus.

" From six ."

" Since when did you keep track of parties?" I ask him,surprised .

" Duh, It's food." He shrugs making me giggle. Anyway, I'm glad that things are not awkward between us. I just brush off the incident .

As if Jughead was going to kiss me!

He would rather marry food if he had the chance.

" What are you coming as? " I ask him as we stop in front of my  house.

" A hotdog. " The seriousness on his face makes me speechless for a second. I state at him blankly as I imagine him waddling in a foot long Frankfurter.

" Uh.. "

He bursts out laughing. " You should have seen your face!" He exclaims between gasps. I playfully shove him, he got me there.

" How are you going? He asks as he tips his crown hat.

" Nancy is picking me up."

He nods." I'll see you there then." He waves as I step into my  house.

Now what should I go as? I begin rummaging through my closet after wrapping myself in a towel and find a pair of angel wings. I never dressed up as an angel before.
Angel it is then.

I find a white gown which has a sweetheart neckline and with lace on the bodice-It looks perfect.

I slip into it and then I do my hair in a fishtail braid and apply minimal make up, just some black eyeliner and a smear of lipstick.

I look at the clock, it's  nearly 6. I hear a honk as I slip into my wings.

Time for some fun.

As we reach Ginger's place, Nancy parks her car at a safe  distance since the road is flooded with cars.

Even from 5 blocks away we can hear the music blare from the party.

"Ready ?" Nancy asks as she adjust the veil, covering her face. Nancy dressed up as a corpse bride, which is pretty freaky, with blood dripping from the side of her mouth.

We enter Ginger's big house and Nancy spots Chuck immediately and runs to him, ditching me.

Ginger had invited friends from her old school as well, so the place was packed.

I push through the crowd and come face to face with Archie.He lifts his patched eye and stares at me. Being dressed up as a pirate is typical Archie- he was always obsessed with pirates.

I look down and see a hand glued to his arm.

I moved on Archie I ✔Where stories live. Discover now