Chapter 31

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Archie's Pov:

It's been a week since Jug joined the team and for a week I've been cutting him off whenever he tries to  approach me.I don't know why exactly I do that , it's just a reflex reaction. 

"Do well and have fun."Coach Clayton advises us in the lockers as we get ready.

Since we have our first match of the season today, I cannot afford to screw up as colleges scouts might be watching in the background and I really need a scholarship to go to a good college.

I take a deep breath before stepping into the gym with the team.

The crowd cheers as we make our way onto the court and I grin as we warm up. I'm actually looking forward to playing. It's been along time since we played an official match.

"Go Archie! "I look up to see Ron looking smoking hot in her blue cheerleading skirt, sending me a seductive kiss.I throw her back a wink before my eyes unconsciously roam the team cheerleaders searching for a tuft of that familiar blonde hair.

"That's weird ,why isn't Betty here?"I wonder to myself as I look at the pyramid of bleached blondes and brunettes posing in their skimpy, near to nothing clothes, flashing more than their pom poms at the crowd- the main reason why games are so packed.

Betty has never missed any of my matches till now.She would always cheer for me from the sidelines with her hands clapping in the air.

Till now.

I feel a pang in my chest.

She doesn't have to watch me play. I doubt we're even friends anymore,after what I did to her , I won't be surprised if she pours acid on my face.

Besides, her boyfriend isn't playing. so why should she come to watch?

"Boyfriend, "I mutter bitterly as I feel a metallic taste in my mouth as I utter the word.

Since when did Jughead start liking her?I thought he wasn't interested in love. Why is he suddenly dating her?

I shouldn't have ditched her for Ron at the dance that day. I'm such a douchebag.

I slap my head.I can't be thinking about that, I should get my head into the game!

What the hell is wrong with me right now, why does my chest hurt so bloody much?

As the referee blows his whistle, we stand in our positions and sitting on the bench, Jug gives me a thumbs up but I ignore him rudely, giving him a cold shoulder.

I know that shouldn't treat him badly, he is my best friend who has always been there for me. So why am I acting this mean? 

When the game starts as the referee blows the whistle.I block out all my thoughts and focus solely on the game since the opposing team is pretty tough.They made it to nationals last year, so they are a hard team to beat.

"Focus ."I whisper to myself as I tap the ball in the air as we start.

Ten more minutes for the second half  to finish  and the score is 10-15 when suddenly Reggie yelps out in pain before collapsing in the middle of the court.

No, this can't be happening, not when we are losing by five points.

I hope he just tripped and there it isn't a major injury or anything because if Reg is hurt, then we're done for because he is one of our best players.

When Reggie clutches his ankle with his face twisted in agony, I realize that he didn't just trip.

Our coach decides to call in a time out.

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