Chapter 3

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I sit in class thinking about what Juggie had said.

"I'll help you Betty."

I don't know if he can do anything, but it's worth a try I guess

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I don't know if he can do anything, but it's worth a try I guess.

Classes went by pretty quickly and as I sit down for my last class-math, Juggie takes the seat next to mine and during class he passes me a note and in his scrawled writing it reads, "Pop tate's?"

We don't have homework today and no babysitting, so I am basically free.

"Sure." I scribble and throw it back to him.

We had to discuss a plan.


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Mission : To make carrot top fall for blondie.

That was the name of the plan that Jughead thought of.
Strategy? None.

For now -

I sigh as I watch him hog a plate full of burgers and a vanilla milk shake.

"On my tab, pops!" he smacks his lips in happiness as he devours the last of his burgers.

"You hungry Betty?" he asks, as he genuinely offers me a half eaten piece of Pop's special hamburger with extra cheese. I blink blankly as I stare at the sauce dripping down from it. Jughead normally hates sharing his food, but I turn down his miraculous offer to take a bite.

"Not really," I say glumly with a sigh as I shake my head. His dark eyes narrow and stay on me for a minute, before falling back on to his plate.

"What happened Betty? Something worrying you?" Pop suddenly asks  from the  counter as he wipes the table top, noticing the solemn expression on my face.

"Actually we are discussing a plan - "

I cut Jughead off before he can say anything further, "We have a report to write, in chemistry! So we are brainstorming ideas!" I exclaim as I pinch his leg to shut him up.

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