Chapter 1

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I'm Betty Cooper. Known as the 'other girl'. I'm in love with a boy who isn't in love with me.

Pathetic. I know, but I can't choose who I fall in love with..
Or can I?

Archie promised me when we were young that he would always be there for me. I guess he forgot about it.

Shortly after the promise, Veronica Lodge strolled into town. She is my best friend, though sometimes I wish she wasn't the girl that Archie loves.
Actually, she is one of the many girls he loves.

She is just the first on his list.

I tried everything to grab his attention- I started wearing makeup, I lost weight and I even joined the cheerleading team to cheer him on when he plays his football games, but Veronica is also on the team so she gets all of his attention instead.

Archie and I were close when we were young, not that we aren't right now but he paid me more attention  before, I guess.

We knew each other ever since we were in our diapers since our parents used to go to high school together and are still  best friends. Furthermore, Riverdale is a small town- everyone knows anyone.

He is my first love but sadly he  is taken, I guess I can't compete with Veronica. She has the looks, the money and the body. There isn't anything she can't get. She even has Archie, the one thing/person that I only want.

Today is just another normal summer day and pretty warm this time of year so I decide to wear a sleeveless shirt and a pair of stone washed jeans.

Putting my hair up in my trademark high pony and a dab of lip gloss and eyeliner, I'm ready for school.

I grab my backpack put on my black vans and grab a piece of toast. "Bye Mom, bye Dad," I yell before heading off to school.

"Bye honey," they both say in unison.

School is like a ten minute walk from my place. I place my ear phones in my ears and press play on my iPod. I love music because it makes me forget things, well mainly Archie and keeps me occupied.

I reach my lockers and bump into Archie. "Hey Bets," he chirps with that grin that charms all the girls. I too am one of the many in love with his smile. My heart clenches at the sight of his freckles. Oh, I wish he were mine.

"Hey Archie," I manage to reply, blushing a little as I look into his bright eyes. I should have worn something better, I wish as I look down at my faded jeans and checked red shirt and grimace internally.

"Did you do the homework on the World War 1? It's to be submitted today right?" he asks, leaning in to reduce the distance between us causing butterflies to form in the pit of my stomach.

"Yep, I finished it."

"So what is it about ?" he asks me curiously.

I sat up the whole night completing it. Mrs Grundy told us to chose any topic related to the World War 1, so I decided to go with the impact and loss of resources caused due to the war. Just as I open my mouth to explain it, I hear a yell.

"Oh Archiekins!!!"

I can recognize that sultry voice  anywhere. Yup, Veronica Lodge all right.

She struts towards us in her bright red mini skirt which barely ends at her knees, with a slit showing off her toned calves. Her raven locks cascade down her shoulders with dark red lipstick perfectly applied on her plump lips. She saunters in, oozing with confidence like she owns the place.

She places her hand on his chest. "Do you like the skirt?" she purrs into his ear, making him shiver and ignoring me as she latches onto him like a leech.

Archie's mouth hangs open, dazed and under her spell. He is drooling, not so subtly. He starts nodding his head robotically.

"Good. Oh, hi Betty," she giggles, finally noticing me before walking off with Archie following close at her heel, just like a faithful dog on a leash.

I sigh as I take my books out of my locker

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I sigh as I take my books out of my locker. So much for trying to make a conversation with him.

"Whatchya got there Betty?" I nearly jump out of my skin as the voice startles me and takes me by surprise, making me nearly drop the packet  that I juggle in my hands.

"Oh, Jughead," I sigh, relieved that it wasn't a ghost or anything.

"Do you have anything to eat?" he curiously asks, peering into the brown paper bag in my arms. "I just finished my lunch but I'm still hungry."

I stare at him widely. Where does all the food he eats go to? His stomach is like a bottomless pit. How he remains skinny is a wonder to all of us.

"I'll be having home science today, so I'll be making something then. This is just flour," I tell him holding up the packet of flour as he sniffs it curiously to check whether I'm telling the truth or not.

"Then I will be there!" he states  happily, obviously looking forward to free food.

"Sure Juggie," I reply sadly with a sigh as I catch Ron kiss Archie lovingly on the lips before walking into class with the corner of my eye.

"Are you upset?" he suddenly asks with concern, startling me with the sudden question. Since when did he notice things? "Come on Bets, we grew up together. I know you and Archie better than anybody." he states dryly, watching my baffled expression.

His eyes soften, making me contemplate whether or not I should tell him about my feelings.

I haven't told anyone, but my gut is telling me to trust him.

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