2. Arriving At The Hospital

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Song for this chapter:
No Angel - Birdy


Noelani's pov

I fall asleep curled up on the bed on the way to the hospital and I wake up still holding the nurses hand. The doctors pull up the railings of the bed so I can't fall off and the nurse lets go of my hand.

I tuck both of my hands into my chest and the doctors push me out of the ambulance. The cool air hits my skin and I start to shiver slightly.

The blanket I had around me is no longer there because it is drenched in my blood. The nurse walks in front of us and she opens the hospital doors.

The doctors carefully push me inside and the scent of bleach and sickness fills my nose. I cringe slightly at the smell as it's not exactly roses and candy.

People look at me and gasps escape their mouths. I look at them and hug myself slightly. I hear other nurses and doctors talking desperately to each other and then they walk away from each other.

Some of them look at me as I get carted into a room with another bed and a weird looking machine with wires and cables hanging down from it.

My eyes widen as I see a set of needles and other sharp looking tools and objects. I hug myself tighter as I shake out of fear.

The bed stops and I am lifted onto the other bed. I ignore the pain that was caused with the movement. Even if it did feel like I was stabbed at least four times. The doctors leave and the nurse I met in the ambulance is clutching a gown.

"Sweet do you want to come with me to change out of your old clothes?" The nurse asks me.

I nod my head and she helps me get down from the bed.

"We need to walk past those people again but ignore them staring at you okay? You'll be fine I promise." She says holding my hand.

I pull my hand away and keep it by my side. I follow the nurse nervously out of the room. I hold another blanket around my body and I am shaking like a leaf.

She looks back at me but I am looking at the people who are staring at me. I feel the blood on my face and arm but I don't want to look.

I can also feel the material of my clothing rubbing against my stomach and it hurts like hell but not as much as it had done before.

Some people gasp when they see me and I look down and notice that they can see my stomach. I desperately try to cover it up and one woman smiles at me sympathetically.

I smile back shyly as a tear rolls down my cheek. A few people that look like they are a few years older than me hide their faces in their parents and more tears leave my eyes as I can't hide in mine.

I walk faster to try and catch up with the nurse and we go through a set of huge double doors.

"The bathroom is through that white door. Do you want me to help you get in the gown?" She asks.

I shake my head and open the door she is pointing to. It opens up to four sinks and four cubicles. I go into the cubicle in the far corner.

I lock the door and set the gown on the hook that is on the cubicle wall.

I take off my trousers that have blood splatters on them and also have a tear near the ankles. I sit them on the toilet and try to take off my top.

It's stuck onto my wound and I whelp as I tugged it slightly. Fresh blood starts to dribble down my skin and stains my pants, I start to cry.

My stomach feels like it is on fire and the amount of blood I'm losing is scaring me. It drips down onto the floor and I hear the door to the toilets open.

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