12. First Day of School

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Noelani's pov

Today is my first day of school and I am not sure how I feel. Scarlett is helping me get changed into my uniform. I have to wear a white shirt, black cardigan, tie, a skirt and black tights. Yesterday we went shopping and got me some school shoes because I didn't have any. I was also given some pocket money so I bought myself a new book. I bought Charlie And The Chocolate Factory and Toby is reading it to me at night time before I go to sleep.

Zoe comes in as she wants to do my hair in a plait. I sit on my bed and she plaits my hair and ties a red ribbon at the bottom. I thank her and hug her tight. We both walk down stairs together and Toby is walking me to school. I hold his hand and the others say goodbye to me and wish me luck. Mike kisses my head and Scarlett and Maggie do too. Me and Toby walk out the front door and make our way to my new school.

We reach the front gates and I feel nervous. We walk through the door and I hold onto Toby's hand even tighter. Toby speaks to a man and he looks quite scary. I hide behind Toby's legs and I peep round every now and then. Toby pulls me round and stands me in front of him.

"Hey there Noelani. I am your new headteacher. You are in Year 1. Your teacher is Ms Carter. You have started halfway through the term so the others are ahead of you but you can easily catch up. Your documents from you old school have come through and you are apparently a very smart, little girl. So we will be grading you and seeing if your levels are right." He says crouching down to be my level.

I nod my head a little bit. Toby says goodbye to me and gives me my rucksack. He hugs me a little and then walks away, leaving me by myself and the scary looking man.

"Now we are sorry about your parents but you can't use that as an excuse here. You have to put that behind you and move on from it. You have to grow up and carry on working hard. Understand?" He says quite harshly.

I nod my head again and try to hold back my tears.

"Now make your way to class!" He shouts, making me jump out of my skin.

I nod and run out of his office. I look at the signs on the doors and come across a Year 1 sign. I knock on the door and open it slowly. The class goes silent and I walk in hugging myself. I see who must be Ms Carter and she stands up. I gulp slightly and cough to clear my throat.

"Hi, I am Noelani. I am new here and I'm part of your class." I say clearly.

"We know who you are. Put your stuff underneath a desk and sit down." She instructs.

I walk to a desk that is right in the front. It's the only one that is free so I guess it's mine. I place my stuff underneath the desk and sit on the carpet with the other kids. The girls and boys I sit next to all move away, leaving me on my own. I look down and the teacher starts shouting directly at me.

"Now Miss Bungay we are sorry about your parents and sisters deaths. But you cannot use your excuse of being a care kid for not doing homework or for playing up. You have to move on and get on with your lonely life! Understand?!" She shouts at me.

I nod and whisper a small yes. The teachers here seem horrible so far. I haven't done anything wrong apart from turning up and I have been shouted at twice... A tear rolls down my cheek as I feel terrified. Miss sends us to our desks and hands out sheets that have math sums on them. I get given a pencil and I start answering the questions. They are really easy but the other kids seem to be having issues. I finish both sheets and put my hand up.

"What?" Ms Carter asks me.

"I have finished my work." I say feeling proud of myself.

She marks it and I got all of them right. She looks at me and anger fills her eyes.

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