63. Broken Frames

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Songs for this chapter:
Stone Cold - Demi Lovato
Purpose - Justin Bieber


Troye's pov
I wake up and Noelani is sat on the bench by the window and is staring out of it. Her journal is in her lap and her fingers and loosely holding her pen. I climb out of the bed and I walk over to her side. The writing is smudged from fallen tears and all I can see are three words, the first three words. 'He left me...'

I take her journal and close it and I take the pen, revealing the same three words written all over her arm. I put the pen on her desk and grab a wet wipe. I sit opposite Noelani and I clean off all of the pen on her arm. A tear drops onto my hand and Noelani's head rests on my shoulder.

I hug her side and she sniffles weakly. She stands up and wipe her eyes. She looks like she got barely any sleep, her eyes are dark underneath and glazed over, dark brown eyes and her hair falling past her shoulders with no volume. The waves are still there but her hair isn't the chocolatey brown it always is, or was, it's just brown.

She doesn't walk gracefully like she normally does, it's slouched and not a single sign of wanting to move in her motions. She grabs her school uniform and leaves to go and get changed in the bathroom. My phone goes off whilst I get changed and it's Tyler, asking how Noelani is.

'Tyler it's like she isn't even with us anymore. She moves with no passion. Her eyes aren't like how they use to be, when you look into them you can only see pain. Last night she asked me to protect her from herself. When I arrived she was self harming and it was so bad... I had to shower with her, still clothed but she couldn't stand up without something to hold. Everything is triggering memories of her and Connor... Tyler she is the worst she has ever been. And she has been bad many times but this is ten times worse... Troye she needs us more than she has ever needed us. ~Troye xx'

I send it and finish getting changed. Noelani comes in as I do my hair and she murmurs that the bathroom is free. I nod and go down to the bathroom. I lock the door behind me and quickly have a wash, not wanting to leave Noelani on her own for too long. As I wash my face I see small spots of blood on the side. I finish cleaning my face and I clean the side before racing up to Noelani. She is sat on the edge of her bed and I then realise that I bandaged them last night.

I grab more bandages and medical cream and she doesn't even resist against me. She just sits there and let's me sort her out. Her thighs were still bandaged, I could tell because there was a slight bulge on her thighs when she was wearing her onesie, and now in her skirt it is oddly shaped but not too noticeable. I finish and I kiss her hands. Her fingers touch my cheek and she pulls her hands away. Her eyes are on the chair at her desk, a tie slumped over it but it isn't hers or mine.

She grabs her bag and walks downstairs. I take the tie so he can have it back and the memory won't haunt Noelani when she is alone. I put it in my pocket and get my schoolbag and I thank Scarlett for letting me stay and I go out the front door. I see Tyler walking up but Noelani walks right past him, not even noticing him when he says hi. Tyler sighs slightly and smiles when he see's me. I hug him tight and he hugs me back.

"I see what you mean... She is like a ghost. Whose tie is this?" He asks, tucking it in my pocket a little more.

"Connor's." I say.

"Do you want me to give it to him?" He asks.

"Yes please... I think I would wrap the tie round his neck and tug a little if I could." I say as Tyler pulls it out of my pocket.

"Well we don't need a murder." Tyler says, taking the tie and putting it in his pocket.

We walk to school, no sign of Noelani as we walk. We talk about her, wondering if she will be okay and if her going to England is her best option. Me and Tyler are going to New York together but we are going to different uni's/ colleges. We wanted to be close but not too close. We think that having a little distance will be good so when we are together it will be more precious and more fun and memorable. It will make us stronger as a couple and plus the uni I'm going to is more for broadway and the one Tyler is going to is mainly just acting.

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