4. The Social Workers

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Song for this chapter:
Shouldn't Be A Good In Goodbye - Jason Walker


Noelani's pov

I sit the book on my lap and I nervously look at the visitors. The woman looks horrible but the man looks okay, nicer at least.

The woman has her hair pulled back tightly in a bun, her pointy nose up in the air and her eagle like eyes staring at me and her face looking rock hard and frowning.

The man on the other hand has his hair as a small quiff, his eyes warm and comforting and a small smile on his lips. I think I'll look at him than the woman next to me.

"Hello Noelani, do you know who we are?" The woman asks me, her voice sounding posh and irritating.

I shake my head to answer her question.

"Well we are social workers, we have to tell you something that may upset you slightly." She says.

I nod my head showing her that I understand.

"First of all, I am Toby and this is Maggie." The man says smiling lightly.

The woman nods and I look at my hands.

"First of all do you have any questions?" Toby asks me.

"Are you going to tell me where my parents and sister are?" I ask him.

"Yes we will. Is there any other questions?" Maggie asks me with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

I shake my head because I'm scared that if I do she will shout at me. The man nods his head and takes a very shaky breath. The fact that his breathing and voice is shaky is making me feel scared for what they need to tell me.

"So as you know you and your family were involved in a car accident..." The man begins.

I nod my head.

"You were saved first because they could hear you screaming and crying, but whilst you were in the ambulance being looked after they also managed to save your parents and older sister.

"Your sister was okay and then she went downhill very fast and the nurses and doctors couldn't help her. When they got your parents out they didn't make it. Neither has your sister. They passed away in the accident." The man says sensitively.

My eyes widen when he finishes telling me what happened to my family. Tears fill my eyes and my breathing speeds up as I panic. I am alone, I have nobody, I don't have my family anymore.

"They're dead?" I ask him.

"Yes." He says quietly.

I start crying and he tries to touch my hand but I move it as I flinch.

"You have to go into care as you don't have any family members close by. We will pick you up tomorrow." Maggie says standing up.

"I can't go into care! I have my aunties and uncles!" I scream.

"We know but they don't want to look after you." She says annoyed.

I cry even more as I have just been told that my other family members don't care about me. They say good bye and walk out my room leaving me heart broken. The man turns around before closing my door and he smiles weakly.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly.

He closes my door leaving me on my own with the sound of my crying mixed with the annoying beeping machine. I scream with anger and sadness. I hear shouting outside my room but I ignore it.

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